Bad Tasting Weed...


Well-Known Member
Recently I ran into a friend I went to school from Kindergarten through my 2nd year of college with. He was telling me how he got diagnosed with spinal cancer, and the guy was obviously in so much pain it was sickening. I asked him how he felt about Pot and he said "I just wish I could afford it." I asked him to come to dinner with me that night. He showed up and I treated him to steak dinner which he only ate 1 bite of and got sick. I had him wait in his truck and came back and gave him 1/2lb of fresh vacuum sealed AK-48 and Berry Bomb I harvested a month or so back. I saved myself an 9 ounces and called it good. I could not stand to see him in pain and I know he would be set for the year with that much.

Well to sum that up I had to buy weed because I am a weedaholic. I smoke an 1/8th a day on a bad day.

I called up the local Meth, Crack, Herion, Acid and Pot store located behind the sketchiest trailer park and very closely resembles the unibombers shack. She hands me an 1/8th of the driest shittiest tasting weed I have ever smoked that she called Cinex for $50.00 I had to smoke my ass off to get high.

I called up a guy I have known for years now formally known as crazy F**K around town. When people see his truck parked somewhere they will wait till he leaves before they go in. He will talk your head off while creepin ya out something fierce. He sells me a 1/4 because he said he only sells them that small. I bought it for 83.00 and it was shittier tasting than ever before. I was pissed, it didn't even get me that high and gave me a terrible migraine.

I called an old friend who smokes and I went over there, he smoked me up, and it tasted even worse but at least it got me high. I come to find out all three are grown hydroponically.

Does all hydroponically grown taste like shit? I taste Iron/Blood while smoking are they not flushing their nutes properly? Is this a common problem? Am I just spoiled? Am I fucked till my plants finish? I have never tried concentrates, should I just stick to those for the time being?

Will Batman find Robin in time?



Well-Known Member
It'll fuck you every time.
And my hydro grown stash tastes as sweet as green sugar!

But, then again, what do you know about taste?
Buy a guy a steak meal and he eats ONE BITE and gets sick!!!