Best advice on gnats?


Active Member
ive had these gnats for a little bit but ive managed to contain em, i did a layer of sand on top of the soil along with sticky traps on top for the adults, that worked very well but after i replaced the sand they soon after came back. the plants arent getting to damaged by them theyre only going after the bottom leaves,
i was hoping somebody would have some good advice on how to get rid of them, i was gonna make up a neem oil spray n do a little bit of spraying around the grow room an plants so hopefully they will leave
but i just wanted to see if there are any other methods out there to get rid of these things


Active Member
I used plant vitality in a 250ml bottle. Foliage feed after lights off allow plenty of run off. Also i used h202 added to water for feeding. Hth


Well-Known Member
1 part hydrogen peroxide to 4 parts water, pour it on nice and heavy, boom fungus gnat larva are dead, get no-pest strips for adults and your problem is solved.


Well-Known Member
I believe the gnats are attracted by algae. I wouldn't spray plants over gnats, unless you really had a ton of them. I don't think gnats hurt anything, and they might end up attracting a spider or something.


Active Member
You can put some apple cider vinegar ( 1-2") in the bottom of a water bottle and make a small tapered funnel for opening and they will fly in and die... Give it a shake every now and then and it will smell. I tried those sticky traps and they didnt catch anything.


Well-Known Member
point a fan at the fly paper and you'll really put a hurtin' on flying pests. try 2' of perlite, with some diatomaceous earth sprinkled in with it. that'll learn them.


Well-Known Member
I've noticed, what I believe to be gnats, flying around here n there around my plants. There is only a select few though, and I don't sleep in the same room either. I noticed them on my first grow after I watered the soil the very first time, and I freaked out. WTF is going on? They never got any worse though. I would only see a few flying around, and I never noticed any damage to the plants. I just left them alone, but I can see where that might not be feasible to some people though. I swear it like a chemical reaction in the soil that causes these things because as soon as I water the soil for the first time the very next morning there will be a few gnats flying around.


Active Member
these are all really bomb ass ideas, i agree that they really arent that harmfull thats why i havent really been to worried about them, theyre just annoying to see flying around my plants i just feel like i need to get rid of them. but ive heard about that vinegar idea ive used it before and it does really work, all the adults love it and are immediatly attracted to it bringing them to die. i believe ive used the hydrogen mix once a while back but it didnt end up killing them and i was pretty much smothering them with the solution however i may have done it wrong that was a little bit ago, and i dont even kno if those where gnats. but imma hop on some of these ideas an see what i can get goin, if i cant fully wipe em out atleaste i can thin em out drastically


Well-Known Member
.... before u get a fly u get a larva.... do the larva not feed on the roots till they mature into a fungas knat? the only way i could get rid of the larva was replanting it in nuked soil, i made sure all the soil was off the roots, and that the process had no ways of contamination.


Active Member
.... before u get a fly u get a larva.... do the larva not feed on the roots till they mature into a fungas knat? the only way i could get rid of the larva was replanting it in nuked soil, i made sure all the soil was off the roots, and that the process had no ways of contamination.

im about to have to transplant an i dont want any larvae to make its way to the new soil, any advice on what i should do without putting the plant in any shock?

i mite just try an get rid of them before i transplant


Active Member
the sand actualy works really well. it suffocates the eggs and the larvae and for the little critters its like running threw a glass forest to them, so it just slices em to shit


Well-Known Member
.... before u get a fly u get a larva.... do the larva not feed on the roots till they mature into a fungas knat? the only way i could get rid of the larva was replanting it in nuked soil, i made sure all the soil was off the roots, and that the process had no ways of contamination.
How do you go about nukeing your soil?

Buddy Hemphill

Active Member
BTi and DE!!

I use MicrobeLift for a BTi source...its waaaaaay cheaper and more concentrated than Dunks or Gnatrol or any growstore BTi products. I get mine from Ace hardware. A 19.95 bottle has lasted thru (2) 16k runs. I add 3-4 times the recommended dosage with EVERY water/feed.

Secondly, Diatomaceous Earth sprinkled very heavily in the top of the pot. It kills anything that tries to crawl thru it. I use it so heavily the top 3-4 inches gets crusty from the stuff and I have to break it up a little bit to water

Both are inert and totally harmless in huge doses, IME.

I dont get gnats.


Active Member
I got the gnat situation down and I am going to attempt a few different methods I have come across. They will regret ever invading my garden.