Best germination method?


Active Member
I've been using the wet paper towel and plastic baggy method. I know there are a few other ways to do it out there, but which one seems to work the best?
I just soaked mine in the cup of water for twenty for hours then put them in a wet paper towel until they popped. They all popped too, just some bag seeds. Next time I think I will try putting the wet paper towels in the baggy though.


Active Member
The last batch of seeds I tried to germ came out good. It was about 20 out of 25 seeds. Just bag seed also. It just seems to take so damn long. LOL. This time I'm trying to germ only one seed for a competition and I can't have it taking a week to germ. I was really wondering what the fastest way is.


You're going to get a lot of varying answers on this one. I actually have tried numerous techniques and have found that the most successful (for me at least) is #1 - the peat pellets. This has got to be the easiest and most successful way to germinate that I've done. #2 - I've also had quite a bit of success with just paper towel and two plates put on top of my oven (turned off it still carries some warmth). Like I said though everyone is going to have an opinion on the matter...just my $.02
I think alot of it has to do with the luck of the seed, some are faster then others. Also prime conditions, dark, humid and what not will be a beneficial factor. The wet paper towel method seems to be the generally accepted practise for germination.

What I've been learning is that not having proper conditions for the plants (in my case temps.) is a more likely way to slow your grow maaaan.


Active Member
I just went to check on the seed I was trying to germ and it had this smelly green goo oozing from the crack. Any ideas? What did I do wrong?