Best Hydro shop in Miami?


Well-Known Member
Im in Miami for the week and curious as to which is the best Hydro shop. There are several around but dont want to waste a whole day checking them all out. So if anyone has any suggestions I wouldn greatly appreciate it.

Also if anyone is is Miami and wants to hook me up with a little <3 haha


Well-Known Member
Haha. Id definitely come thru there on the way home. Its actually not even out of my way lol


Well-Known Member
Well I just started my first grow so itll be a few months before my stuff is ready. the town I am from in Georgia has absolutely nothing. Swag only and some middies :/


Well-Known Member
So where you gunna leave it for me? I head back to Georgia tomorrow haha.

I went to 6 Hydro places here in Miami, allllll sucked and I almost gave up hope until I decided I would go to one more. the last one I stopped at was pretty damn nice. The girl actually spoke English too and was very helpful. Gave me a pretty good deal too. Came otu to about the same price I could have gotten it from HTG but at least I didnt leave any paper trails =D

Plantway Garden Center

She said they just opened about 6 months ago.


i have a house in broward as well and i was going to come down there soon to visit and mayb check out some of the shops. any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Well I am from Georgia and checked out about al the shops in the Miami area. The one I listed in my last post is definitely the only one worth checking out. The prices were the best, the shop was at least 10x better/bigger/organized than the others. Also the lady spoke fluent English and was a big help. Definitely the only place worth checking out.