Best legal state


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I live in a non cannabis friendly state. I want to move to a cannabis legal state that might also have job opportunities in the field. With so many states legalizing I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations. I would greatly appreciate any positive input. Thanks
I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I live in a non cannabis friendly state. I want to move to a cannabis legal state that might also have job opportunities in the field. With so many states legalizing I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations. I would greatly appreciate any positive input. Thanks
Positive is proportional. More capital is only profitable as I know in the upper mid west region. All legal p[profits have been removed from any below the crazy monetary terms to just submit an application for license.
Positive is proportional. More capital is only profitable as I know in the upper mid west region. All legal p[profits have been removed from any below the crazy monetary terms to just submit an application for license.
Could you explain this better? I don't understand , sorry. What do you mean?
Oregon is the best state period. But we're full. :mrgreen:

Let me quote former Governor Tom McCall.

"I urge them to come and come many, many times to enjoy the beauty of Oregon. But I also ask them, for heaven's sake, don't move here to live."
I hear you dude.
I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I live in a non cannabis friendly state. I want to move to a cannabis legal state that might also have job opportunities in the field. With so many states legalizing I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations. I would greatly appreciate any positive input. Thanks
Not Floriduh