Best soil to transfer into


Well-Known Member
I have to transplant my plant into a larger pot this week and i wanted to know what the best soil would be to use in the new pot? best for nutes? please input. around 26 days old put a pic to you can see size if you needed to know. pictures is 3 days old so its a little bigger now




Well-Known Member
ocean forrest..........i tried alot.......hands down,this soil is the one!!!!!!!!!!great nut's,super drainage..........and most important,fat buds:)


Well-Known Member
Just put it in a bigger pot when i cut the other pot away all the roots were basically all over the pot like it ran out of space to grow so i tried as best and carefully as possible and put it in the new pot there might have been some if anyway VERY FEW roots that maybe got a little damaged is this ok? will it recover?


Well-Known Member
yep,give it a real good inital watering........may look droopy 4 a couple days(stress)every transplant contains some degree of stress to the plant.theres a product called "revive"that helps with transplants/minor nut deficincies,etc.....its in liqiud,add to water.your girl should be back on her feet in a few days.....good luck