best store bought soil


Sector 5 Moderator
Roots is the best imo, but there are others that are good too. Mix it with your peat moss, some perlite, blood meal, bone meal, bat guano, seaweed extract and some mycohorzae and you'll have a great soil for your girls.


Well-Known Member
I know a lot of people will disagree with me, but that's because they don't know what they are talking about.

For a first time grower I would recommend Miracle Grow. All you have to do is add ph'd water. You don't need to add any nutes. Miracle Grow has time released nutes in it. The trick is, to make sure you don't over water your plant. The time released nutes are water activated. So when you water your plants, you'll be feeding them as well.

Miracle Grow Seed Starter soil is great for sprouting your seeds and getting them through the delicate seedling stage. Then transfer them over to regular Miracle Grow soil (or a soil called Sta-Green they sell at Home Depot, the soil is a little trickier than miracle grow because it has water absorbing crystals in it).

Edit: Fox Farm, Roots, Organics, Dr. Earth, Ect. are all great soils and have less chemicals in them, but are much more expensive. I can pick up a bag of Miracle Grow for $5-10 or I can spend $320+ on those other "super" soils and get the same results.

Anyone who tells you Miracle Grow is terrible for your plants either:
A) hasn't used it, but believes that miracle grow is bad because a friend of a friend said so, or someone on a forum said it was terrible and will instantly kill your plants
B) had a friend that used it with bad results (most likely due to user error)


Active Member
I know a lot of people will disagree with me, but that's because they don't know what they are talking about.

For a first time grower I would recommend Miracle Grow. All you have to do is add ph'd water. You don't need to add any nutes. Miracle Grow has time released nutes in it. The trick is, to make sure you don't over water your plant. The time released nutes are water activated. So when you water your plants, you'll be feeding them as well.

Miracle Grow Seed Starter soil is great for sprouting your seeds and getting them through the delicate seedling stage. Then transfer them over to regular Miracle Grow soil (or a soil called Sta-Green they sell at Home Depot, the soil is a little trickier than miracle grow because it has water absorbing crystals in it.
'I know a lot of people will disagree with me, but that's because they don't know what they are talking about.' Adolf Hitler (1939)


Active Member
I dont know what the best is ... havent tried them all. I do recommend Biobizz all mix or Plagron do a new supermix containing all the good stuff.


Well-Known Member
'I know a lot of people will disagree with me, but that's because they don't know what they are talking about.' Adolf Hitler (1939)
Yes, my advice to use Miracle Grow as a starter soil somehow makes me as bad as hitler.

I stopped coming on these forums, before you even joined, because of people like you. My response was something that was informative and helpful. Your response was nothing more than childish name calling because you have nothing better to do obviously. Have fun with that....


Active Member
Yes, my advice to use Miracle Grow as a starter soil somehow makes me as bad as hitler.

I stopped coming on these forums, before you even joined, because of people like you. My response was something that was informative and helpful. Your response was nothing more than childish name calling because you have nothing better to do obviously. Have fun with that....
errr I never called you Hitler, just made a little joke. Although now you mention it .... When you start a post by saying I know a lot of people will disagree with me, but that's because they don't know what they are talking about. 'That has a touch of the 'Mein kampf' about it.

also , if you stopped coming to these forums, what are we doing having this conversation??


Active Member
Roots organic for sure. I think id cut it a bit for seedlings IMO, other than that, i am a noob and had killer results. FYI, after bout 5 weeks my 5 gal pots started running out of nutes. I went to Iguana Juice, no matter what you do in soil, it will cash out eventually.
I know a lot of people will disagree with me, but that's because they don't know what they are talking about.

For a first time grower I would recommend Miracle Grow. All you have to do is add ph'd water. You don't need to add any nutes. Miracle Grow has time released nutes in it. The trick is, to make sure you don't over water your plant. The time released nutes are water activated. So when you water your plants, you'll be feeding them as well.

Miracle Grow Seed Starter soil is great for sprouting your seeds and getting them through the delicate seedling stage. Then transfer them over to regular Miracle Grow soil (or a soil called Sta-Green they sell at Home Depot, the soil is a little trickier than miracle grow because it has water absorbing crystals in it).

Edit: Fox Farm, Roots, Organics, Dr. Earth, Ect. are all great soils and have less chemicals in them, but are much more expensive. I can pick up a bag of Miracle Grow for $5-10 or I can spend $320+ on those other "super" soils and get the same results.

Anyone who tells you Miracle Grow is terrible for your plants either:
A) hasn't used it, but believes that miracle grow is bad because a friend of a friend said so, or someone on a forum said it was terrible and will instantly kill your plants
B) had a friend that used it with bad results (most likely due to user error)
when u say ph'd water u mean water with either ph-up or ph-down depending on the ph value of the soil right? (in my case baking soda or vinegar xD i've gotta be one of the cheapest growers here but for a good reason ;p)


Well-Known Member
I use lemon juice to PH my water. Nothing wrong with holding off on using pricey chemicals to do natures job. You need to look at the PH of the soil and the water.