Best thing to do with a 3x3x6 cabinet grow.

got five?

this will be my 3rd grow and i have a 3x3x6 cabinet as my grow room with a 400w hps and i was wondering what would be the best thing to do. i was thinking either grow 4 plants or try and do a sea of green with smaller pots and more plants. what do you guys think? thanks in advance!:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member

it depends on how big your plants are, but 4 from seed would be about the most it could handle, I have a cabinet slightly larger and I did 5 small plants last time, and it was a pain in the ass tending to them, taking them out to water them, for example. If you don't let them branch out and you're using a strain that doesn't stretch much, you could do as you suggest and have more plants and smaller containers.
i just pack my box as full as i can i have a 600w, my box is 2' 6 x 2' 6 x 5'...i have 4 in 5 gal buckets now goin to 3 gallon and 6 or 9 plants next time

got five?

im basically going for the highest yeld with the space i got and with the light i have. would you think i would yeld more from doing sog or would 4 plants yeld more. thank you for your replys. :clap:


Well-Known Member
its more about time. a SOG grow would require a fair bit of rooted clones, but they can all be small and without any real veg time.

4 big plants means a long veg time so that they get big enough to be worth the small number.

Ultimately either could really yield the same, but 4 plants (or less) scrogged for a longer duration would probably be the biggest pull.

Sog would most likely win the most yield for shortest time.