Beyond Newbie!

Hi, everyone! I'm new to growing, actualy I never have tried/thought about growing buds before. I discover a seed in one of my bags I purchased from a "Pharmicist" I tried the germination process called "paper towel" I left it in a dark cupbord above my refridgerator,which is really warm, I then left on vacation for some time about a week. Upon checking up on my germinated seed I found only one seed had a "tail", but the other did not. (BTW there was two seeds I discovered). However I'm quite worried about the paper towel It's really dry And I'm wandering if the Germinated seed is no good, but I planted it anyways.

I don't have any real light system or watering system, because like I said I'm new and trying things out for the first time in secret.

BTW I'm not trying to create a large yeild for resale, but for personal use. However, I'm un sure on what type of lighting system I need. I really would prefer some thing really cheap propaly dirt cheap that works decent to fair?


I'm wandering if my germinated seed is not good? (It was dry, but no color change on the seed)

Really cheap indoor lights?

What are the amount of Florcsent watts that are required for growing?

:leaf:Thanks in advance for all responses:leaf:


Well-Known Member
You need to be incredibly careful when planting the seed not to damage the taproot. Plant it in soil with the taproot pointing down. As for lighting there are loads of threads on here about cfls, cfls are the way to go for you, because they are cheap and readily available. Search the threads for info.


Well-Known Member
You left it for a week to dry out? I dont know if you're going to have any success with that. Plan for the worst and hope for the best is all you can do at this point. Like Geo said, be really careful not to damage the tap root.

Illegal Smile

If your lifestyle involves leaving for a week very often growing may not work out for you.


Well-Known Member
glad u decided to join us, welcome. let me ask YOU some questions. what size space do you plan on dedicating to this? how much money? you get what you put into it. does it have to be stealth or just not obvious? you need fans to vent air, will the noise be a problem? what kind of soil are u using? stuff u get from your backyard wont work worth a shit. you only want to grow one plant? you've got a 50/50 it'll be a male and worthless. you want 10,000 lumens a square foot of flouro's about 1-2 inches away from the plant, what wattage and style u use to reach that is up to you.want 6500k for veg, 2700k for flower. you'll need a timer for flowering cuz its gotta be lights on and off at the same time each day or it will hermie after too many times.