Biscotti first time grow. How am I doing ? Week 5/6 flower?


New Member
So I got given a plant. Put it in my fathers green house before I knew it it shot up thriving no problems. Transition from veg to flowering was fine, it’s gotten too cold outside so she’s now in the conservatory. I keep an eye on temp and humidity aiming for 50%. Spotted leaves turning purple around week 2/3 of flowering. Tried to increase phosphorus, low temperatures may have contributed also? however purple and dark leaves is in the genetics of the strain (biscotti). I haven’t kept on point track of weeks etc and as it’s my first time I don’t know what I should be expecting. But I’m guessing she’s going into week 6, I have pruned some fan leaves. Overall how is she looking? Any tips? Advice ? Would be highly appreciated! X
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New Member
I’m guessing photo.
Last night I noticed that a (Neighbours) light is shining over it all night going to make sure it’s covered tonight.