Blood on the bed..


Well-Known Member
Hey skunk... Nooo no more

I went to the vets in my dinner break today just to ask a few questions as one of the cats still haves about 1/2in of the umbilical cord left, was told it will fall off soon so thats good, anyway why im there I ask how much to snip the cats ?

£60 per cat shes said... I was like wtf.

I havent picked the kittens up yet I read its best to leave them for a few weeks so im not sure just how many are females yet,
Im praying after hearing that - that none of them are.

Another funny thing as well... is I now have/get 2 male cats sitting by my back door every night crying for her lol... One I have never seen before till last night and the other the same till the day she gave birth... Dirty slut.!!!

But thats it now shes on lock down 24/7 aint leaving this house till shes had the snip, as im not sure how long after giving birth that cats can fall pregnant again, but I aint giving her the chance, im trying to get some pics taken but every time I go up the kittens are laying under her.