Bokashi bad ?


Well-Known Member
Made a em1 bokashi bran it was white and had a patch of green

which after 4weeks hasbeen swallowed by white which I hoped for

thing is it smells like cider vinigar which they say can be good as it’s not putrid

The pink now is that the rare non sulphur purple bacteria and sulphur purple bacterias?

do I brea this into my cannabis topdressing now or bin it haha I freak out at this stage

there is NO guide saying pics here bin this one and use that one
This fungus is so n so
This bacteria is so n so

wish it did lol where is the mycroscope nuts growing weed chart plzzz I beg you2836C849-074B-462C-A7C0-EF658B9226C3.jpegE3C37A39-9CB3-4DB1-91CA-CF4F8D84615B.jpeg343701A1-558B-4B11-83C7-73AB5EF9461D.jpeg
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Why do you internet guys waste your time on all this shit.
There is a study done man it’s not shit lol was a massive university study showing how mycelium bokashi can deliver food more efficiently than anything els
the study was basically soil with bokashi fungus on top with good kelp etc added directly to the fungus
the other part fed the kelps and watered them in without fungus
the plants release sugars to feed to fungus and they process the whole lot back to the plant better
the study showed that the fungus can take the nutrients from the top and force them down when only bottom feeding so there was no cross saying well the water all goes down so does the food .. it was bottom fed so the fungus had to push down physicly

cannabis wanting more fungal then bacteria ratios this really boosts em yield and quality show
just when growing yourself as apprised to buying it you need to do some research

my tests with fungi showed in my control that where I add fungi the plant triples size also doesn’t get any deficiency’s or when dried out soil as much then rehydrated

google bokashi it’s not hard to see results

asobthe whole world has been tucked up and hidden from real shit like this bokashi has literally changed japans composting system and hosehold waste it can compost in days rather than months and makes nutes avalible there bloody good shit

enough neurotic hydration for ya buddy ? Haha love that