Bomb Seeds- Big Bomb and Nirvana- White Widow journal starting from flower


Well-Known Member
Ok guys and gals this is my second try at growing, my first attempt was quite the fail, mainly because I underestimated how high temps would affect my plants and there was a bit of a learning curve involved as I hadn't really grown anything before. If you want to check out my first grow its in my sig (2/4 plants survived and I harvested a little bit over an oz. between the 2)

So far this grow is going a lot smoother. I switched out the 400w hps for 4 32w 4' T8s (2-3000k 2-6500k) and switched out the medium from a soil-less mix to a cheap organic soil.

I've tried putting the 400 watter back in the room but the temps soar to about 31°c in just over 2 hours and thats where it remains for the next 10. After just a few days I noticed my plants reacting to the temps so I pulled it back out. I REALLY don't want to flower with my floros but I wont have an upgraded fan/cooled hood combo until my next grow so the plan is to run the floros for the first 4 weeks of flowering then switch the 400w on for the middle 6 hours (with the floros on for the full 12) for the next 3 weeks then finish with just the 400w for the last 2 weeks.

Anyway enough of my rabbling im not sure exactly how long they have been vegging for but over a month for sure the WW was topped twice and the BB topped once. From now on I will always do 2 tops I like the look of the widow way better



Well-Known Member
Also just so everyone knows the goal is to do a picture update every weekend until harvest. If you have any questions comments or criticism feel free to post

PS pics above are 1- White Widow 2- Big Bomb 3-White Widow 4-White Widow 5-Big Bomb


Well-Known Member
In quantity or quality? Lol the survivors from my first grow were a widow and a big bomb the big bomb had nice dense nugs and smelled really nice while the widows were fluffy and smelled sweet, almost grossly sweet, hard to explain. Anyway the BB was more of a couchlock while the WW was a soaring fun high. awesome for smoking on the go or while having a few drinks


Well-Known Member
Thanks jhod, I hope I can keep them looking nice and green lots of problems with my last grow but hopefully these will turn out better. I might even splurge and buy a cooled hood and fan before this grow is over lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks jhod, I hope I can keep them looking nice and green lots of problems with my last grow but hopefully these will turn out better. I might even splurge and buy a cooled hood and fan before this grow is over lol
Since last year I've ran into a few problems myself. My GSC leaves are starting to yellow and dying off only less then 2 weeks into flower. Never had a problem like that before.


Well-Known Member
ive grown that widow from nivana a couple times and am not impressed at all. gave me decent size buds but didnt care much for the taste and the strength wasnt all that potent to what im used to smoking.


Well-Known Member
Well your tolerance is probably a lot higher as Ive just got back into smoking regularily, but damn was I high after i smoked my first j of that white widow. Did yours have the same strong grossly sweet smell??


Well-Known Member
Hey if anyone reads this and has experience please let me know. Im looking into getting a silverstar 6" cooled reflector and a 6" hydrofarm 400 cfm fan. My room runs about 31°c (almost 90°f!!!) with my batwing how effective do you think the new set up would be? i dont want to drop 300 bucks on equipment to lower it 2° or something like that. The air for the room will be coming from a passive intake fresh air is about 22°c (the passive intake will be a lot bigger than the ones in the pic if i buy a new fan set up) but the air going through the reflector will be air from inside the grow room sucked through a carbon filter


Well-Known Member
Ok so not a huge change since the last update, as the last pics I put up were from Monday but I still want to do Friday updates every week since It will be interesting for me to see how much the plants change from week to week. I watered last night with a very small amount of nutrients from general hydro flora series but after looking at the plants today I realized that I probably could have gave them a bit more since some of the bottom leaves are starting to show signs of a deficiency. Other than that the pistols are still flying out everywhere. Still sticking to the plan of flouros for the first 4 weeks then switching to HPS

First 3 pics are Big Bomb last 3 are White Widow



Well-Known Member
Lookin good so far BB! Will be checkin in for sure! Hate when someone blasts the stuff you're currently growing though, shame they can't just let you have your fun without acting like their shit's better. This place has too much negativity sometimes... As far as I read today, there's about a THOUSAND people who claim to have the best stuff going... WTF-ever!

When did potheads get so damn snobby about what they smoke anyways? In my book, I'll take your WW over anything I get on the streets here! Pisses me off when people say they don't even get high on whatever strain anymore. Perhaps shouldn't be smoking so much if that's the case, just a waste of electricity IMO.

For your 2nd grow, I think WW was a good choice regardless of the brand. Not everyone here has access to unlimited strains in the dispensaries so why not try something you've heard so much about? Rock on mate! :weed:


Well-Known Member
*no intended bash on drlove as at least his is based off of personal experience/opinion, and everyone is entitled to their own... just saying I see too much of it around here.


Well-Known Member
Another reason I did the WW and BB is because they were the cheapest packs of seeds i got and after fucking up the first time i figured i should probably get it figured out before i start using any nice dinafem or delicious seeds lol. i think my next grow will be 2 barneys farm blue cheese and maybe a female seeds ak-48


Well-Known Member
So its technically Saturday but these pictures were taken Friday and the first pic was taken Tuesday. I dont know if this is common or not but have you guys ever had red hairs poke out early in flower?? I'm new to growing so this is the first time I've ever seen it. Its kind of cool but i assume they will die before the rest start turning red. I think drolove called it when he said the BB would out preform. So far the buds are looking waay juicier and they are already starting to ice up. I have a feeling they are going to be frosty as fuck by the end. I still seem to be having deficiency problems with the BB even though I have been feeding the 3 part flora by general hydro, anyone have an idea of what my deficiency is? Anyway here are the pics

First 5 are the Big Bomb last 2 are the White Widow



Well-Known Member
Hey, I'm bumpiung this just to see if anyone can tell me what is going on in the 4th picture up there, almost positive its a deficiency but im not sure what it is. If i dont get any answers ill ask plant problems


Active Member
Those do look similar to my post about yellowing. I'm still not sure whats going on. I added alittle epsom salt to my last water and havent noticed the yellowing progress yet, but its only been 3 days or so.


Active Member
Root Bound - Root bound is where the roots of your plant outgrow the container they are potted in. Plants that are root bound exhibit stunted growth, stretching, smaller and slower bud production, easier to burn with nutrient solution, needs watering too often, and wilting. A root bound plant will always start yellowing with the bottom leaves and work its way up the plant until all the fan leaves are gone.

I knew it would slow growth, but i didnt know about it kill fan leaves. You think this might be what we have? It is only effecting my fan leaves, and the plants I have would be around 2.5-3 feet if they hadnt been LST'd. I can't really use bigger pots than the 2gallon ones I have, I guess I just need to start flowering earlier if this is the issue.


Well-Known Member
That is a possibility im only in 3 gallon pots. I upped my nutes a little bit and added some epsom salts as well. I guess if rootbound is the case Ill have to flower a bit earlier on my next go as well. Or get bigger pots, i suppose i have the room