Bring in.... drum roll..... The STRAIN Experts (Presidential Pothead)

Hello, A. Mer. Ica.
George W. Bush here, Ever since I've been out of office, and back home.. here in... here in Texas. I've come to a conclusion that life just ain't as fun after ruinin... (cough) running..(excuse me) running... a country. Hell, it sucks... I mean one minute your.. your seconds away from finding uranium in africa.. saving the world... Next your stuck at home all day...with nothing but the Direct Tivo... Laura's as boring as a Henry Paulon lecture on National Debt. Cheney and Rumsfelt... hell.. they don't even call anymore. I've been so bored. I started smoking as our spanish friends would say... the el mary jane-o. Got my Chong and Cheech out.. Makes me feel like a little kid. Fucking love it... love it as much as.. as i love texas.. and oil... Well not as much as oil. Come to mind.. Now that i think of it. The war on drugs....Pointless.. I wonder were we put all that weed.........??????
I need a strain recommendation from all those loyal Americans... it's a matter of.. of National Priority

I am just growing the main cola, so it needs to have a cola the size of the American Spirit ..
The strain needs to have a 7-8 Week flower period
Kush is my favoritay.. kush recommendations would be great.
Overall, looking for a great smoke with a great yield, specialized in the growing of only the main cola
Thank you America...
George W. Bush A.K.A. Presidential Pothead bongsmilie