Broken Ballasts


Active Member
So im about a month and a half into my first crop, and one night i come into my room and my light is flickering and my 600w HID ballast is running really hot (Cant hold my hand on it for more than a second or two). So I turned it off to let it cool down, and when i came to check the next morning it was doing the exact same thing. Thirty minutes after that i go check again and the light is off and i cant get it to turn back on. I went and had the ballast replaced and set the new one up, and everything worked fine, so i left it alone for a few hours. When i came back the light was off again and it was the same thing as before, with the ballast not starting up. Does anyone know what could be happening? Could there be something wrong with the electricity in my home that could be causing the ballasts to fail? To have two fail in one day just seems like too much of a coincidence.

[email protected]

Active Member
I removed the handle on all my ballast box and install small computer like fans. It keep them cool and prevents a lot of failures. Never had to change a ballast in 8 years


Active Member
Its a digital ballast with built in heat fans. Its made by a company named Quantum i believe. Like i said it was running perfectly for almost two months, and then i just had two fail in one day.