brown spots during flowering pics included please help


Hey all, i had this problem before and it really didnt affect the plant to much but im about 3weeks to from harvesting and i have no idea what this is. It happens about 30 days into flowering. It starts from the top and works itself into the middle . Anyone have an idea how to treat this nastyness? I appreciate all your responses



Well-Known Member
Your over feeding your plant/ nute burn.classic signs are your leave tips brown/curling and the side of the leaves brown,and of course nute burn starts from the top then down. I would lay off the flowering nutes and try feeding organically or not at it looks like your locking out a nute with your over fertilization ,wether it be soil ph or to much of 1 nutrient.


Well-Known Member
Burn man ...
U had cal/mag def and u feed her too much
Use cal/mag + or epsom salt

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
I was going to say potassium deff untill you said from the top down. Sounds like said befor, over feeding...could be ph is off....