Bubba Kush, Hindu Kush. Golden Goat update


New Member
So far so good. Ive definitely run into countless problems, but I am learning with each new turn of events.
at first, i couldnt get anything to grow. everything i had i cloned myself and had one start from seed which sadly did die.
out of 6 plants to start with i ended up with 3. im very low on income so i built a box. 4 foot tall. 6 foot wide. 3 foot deep. i have 3 plants in it that are growing perfectly now. im running a t5 ho sunblaze 150 watt? its 2 foot long 4 bulb. i was wanting more light so i went and bought 4 cfl bulbs, 2 of which are 6500k and the other two are 2700k my plants are loving the combination. i trained the two kushs' for hmm maybe 6 hours and didnt like it. but they sure are bushy as fuck. if you go to youtube i posted a video of my grow box setup . search denver420grower. anyways im stoned as fuck, lost track. just recently i found spider mites all over one of my plants! i got some Bayer 3 in 1, didnt work they were feasting off it. so i wrapped my pots with heavy plastic wrap, so my soil wouldnt fall loose and i showerd my plants upside down for a few minutes. no more mites. i hadnt fed in 3 days so i figured a good heavy watering wouldnt hurt. if these pesky mites do come back anyone have suggestions other than neem oil i hear that shit sucks. even from hydro stores in town...


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I would try pyrethrins. Its made from marigolds I think? I don't know if you have an Ace Hardware near you, but the sell a product that has neem and pyrethrins in it and it has worked well for me. I haven't had to use it in my indoor setup but it works well outside. I think its called 3 in 1.