BUD ROT - Help Please!! Spray Greencure or Serenade? Early Harvest? Do I quick dry?


Please help!!! I just started week 7 of GDP, an 8 week strain (I usually flower for 53 days) and I found bud rot on a 10 top buds yesterday. I cut them out and found bud rot on another 6 buds today.

I have already dropped humidity down to 50%, removed infected buds, put in 3 more fans, increased my dark hour exhaust, and even moved my reservoir out of the room for now.

What can should I do?
Is it worth trying to spray Greencure or Serenade or are these pointless now?

Should I just early harvest even though Im a week and half early? If I do early harvest should I perform some sort of quick dry?

I need advice from someone with experience in a similar situation and preferably quickly. I've searched all over the internet for some quality advice on what to do once you have it, not how to prevent it. Cant seem to find a solution.

Thanks for the help guys!


Your not going to like it, but there really isnt anything you can do.

Those sprays are pointless, you cant reverse mold. Ive been down this terrible road before, I feel your pain.

My $.02, cut it down sooner than later. If you can see mold on the out side then there is mold inside the core of the buds you cant even see.

Dont smoke it, dont cook with it, dont try and negotiate with it. Get rid of it, clean the room top to bottom with bleach and start again.

Good luck