Building Flowering Room looking for input and recommendations

Hello everyone,

Its been a long time since ive grown(~ 6 years).Im about to graduate college and buy a new home, and the first thing that comes to mind is how much i miss growing, so i figured it was time to get back to it. Because of certain laws here (FL) I would like to keep my plant count under 25 preferably at 24 :) .

I want to do some sort of perpetual harvest and harvest every 2 or 3 weeks. I want a mixture between a SOG and KBS lol. I was thinking along the lines of 4 mother plants and 20 flowering plants at a time. In the flowering room have 4 tables, 5 plants to a table( or one giant table). I like the perpetual harvest factor of SOG and I like the Yeild factor of KBS except i dont want to spend boku bucks on electricity, and i don't want to grow 400, 3ft tall lollipops. I want something in the middle. I can figure my veg room out its the flowering room I want suggestions on :).

MY GOAL is to pull at least a LB every 2 weeks using 5 or less plants at a time. These plants will have started from clones.

* space is not a problem
* using clones - shooting for no veg time... to minimal veg time ,If im harvesting every two weeks i dont want a veg period to last more then 2 weeks :)
* harvest every 2 weeks using no more then 5 plants - can use less plants
* would like at least a lb every harvest if not more
*I would like to keep total flowering room lighting under 2500 watts

Any setup ideas would be appreciated. I dont care if its soil or hydro,I can do either or if i use tables or buckets. It doesn't matter if i have 4 plants per sqft or 1 plant per meter. Any ideas would be helpful. Im shooting for using the least amount of light possible too. :) $$ is not an issue its just i like to keep my electric bill low :)

Hoping someone has a similar setup :)