Bump if your Sober/dry/probi...


Well-Known Member
Just like the title says, there is a bump thread for the "high" so how about a thread for the "not so high"


(cant sleep)

Iron, Lion, Zion

Active Member
I go through good phases and dry phases every couple of weeks... I need to find some more friends who smoke. Right now, the only time I can find any is when I go visit my friends at school (being out of college suuuuucks).
Sadly, right now is a dry phase. :(


Well-Known Member
At least you have friends, I go to school online so no real interaction there, and the rest of the people I know here are in the Marines from my onld squadron and well they cant smoke so....


Well-Known Member
Been sober for a little over a week. Not so bad really. It's nice to be clear headed for the first time in a year. I say that now but if there was weed in front of me that shit would be in my lungs. :D


Well-Known Member
haha I feel you. I have been contemplating pulling out the ol Seceret Jardin Tent and setting up a new grow, just worried how the wife will react. does anyone think a 400w hps is big enough for a 5x5x7 growing area. I have about 10 beans I want to start just dont want to go down the CFL highway again(to much moving lights) and I want some dense nugs this time. Maybe do a scrog grow with the 400 that way i can lower it down closer to the canopy. idk just thinking


New Member
I'm on a sober streak now.I take a week or two of every month and don't smoke, or smoke very little.It helps put some things into perspective differently and I get way more medicated if I don't touch it for a couple weeks. I only medicate at night, usually. And for gnarly migraines.


Im sober because im finishing school and im going to need a job. Everyones already trying to smoke me out and sour diesel just came in town again. :/ It wont be here long.. :wall:


im triple fucked:
broke, on probation, and because of a recent move, my closest friends that smoke are an hour away

probation never stopped me before though, I've never tested positive and usually only take a 3-5 day break after 3 weeks of heavy smoking.

o well, I'm doing fine sober, especially knowing that my plants are close to harvest =D


I was almost going to start a "growers who dont smoke" thread. In "Drug and Alcohol" treatment for a DUI I got over 2 years ago. Ironic, the only "drug" I can do (or would concider doing, I know system flush times) in treatment for a DUI is alcohol.

I'll have two crops of more than 4 types of bud waiting for me with zero tolerance

haha I feel you. I have been contemplating pulling out the ol Seceret Jardin Tent and setting up a new grow, just worried how the wife will react. does anyone think a 400w hps is big enough for a 5x5x7 growing area. I have about 10 beans I want to start just dont want to go down the CFL highway again(to much moving lights) and I want some dense nugs this time. Maybe do a scrog grow with the 400 that way i can lower it down closer to the canopy. idk just thinking
Yeah....yo-yo hangers.....


Active Member
I've been without weed for a good 6 hours now looking to make it about 3 months or so. I've been getting into bad habits with weed lately (just smoking and dicking around), So I'm gonna put that on hold and focus on water sports for the summer. so, BUMP


Well-Known Member
GlobalMarijuanaMarch is in a couple of days..

So, i'm attempting to bring my tolerance down a little. i was trying to get all my friends to join in.. but they just can't wait out the 3 days.lol

Got some incredibly good ganja for the March too. Should Be A Good Day.

Dick Bacco

Soberest I've been in months.....havent smoked in a few days, unless you count resin (which didn't do much....).

But, I just bought a new bong and I'm waiting for a friend to drop off some hash to test it out bongsmilie


i'm dry, broke, and out of luck as well..... I do have a pipe that is damn near clogged with resin; so i may go THERE:shock::spew:


Well-Known Member
i'm high as hell all the time.

but i havent had a sip of alcohol since new years.
i think i might go forever with out alcohol. we'll see.

Mr. Blue

Active Member
Bump.. I've been broke lately. Med mj is too expensive and regs aren't nothing but mexican brick weed that I wont smoke. Im taking a little break for a few days while some of the harvest dries out.
First break in over a year... Not going well so far. :(


What's up gg? You out of weed again? I'll get ya stoned bro.:bigjoint:
I appreciate the thought, but i'd have to drive how many hundreds of miles??? :)

Bump.. I've been broke lately. Med mj is too expensive and regs aren't nothing but mexican brick weed that I wont smoke. Im taking a little break for a few days while some of the harvest dries out.
First break in over a year... Not going well so far. :(
hell man, I went out tonight in search of mexican brick.... cant even find that shit thesedays


Well-Known Member
Ive got ounces curing from the last harvest, but am assuming im gonna have to piss for this next job im starting next week so I cant risk it. Goin sober is weak but its not too bad.