Burned top leaves with cfl bulb


Active Member
I left my cfl a little too close to my plant overnight and it grew and touched the bulb. It burned it pretty bad. Im wondering if it will effect growth in anyway?

Also, if I accidently splashed water on my leaves during feeding would it cause my leaves to turn yellow and pale. I tested the ph of both plants after watering and they were at 6.3. I dont know whats wrong?

Thank you for any help.



Whatever got burned is likely to die and fall off but new growth should still open up. I've got to say, that looks like the least of your problems though. Can't tell from the photos if the light is making the leaves look more yellow than they are or what, but that isn't something that happens from splashing water with fertilizer on them. If the irrigation water was so heavily fertilized and you splashed some on the leaves it could potentially burn where there was contact, but it should not turn all those leaves like that.
What exactly are you feeding and how much? Any trace nutrients?
It is possible you are feeding too much, leaf tips also look a bit burned but I can't really tell.


Active Member
I havent given them any nutes. Only nutes given were the ones in the ffof soil. I flushed yesterday because they were droopy and I thought it might be nute burn.

These pics were taken yesterday in the morning before flushing



Active Member
I also didnt have distlled water and I fed my plants with regular tap water mixed with Aqua Safe( neutralizes chlorine and chloramine in aquariums) maybe thats hwat messed up the leaves = /


Well-Known Member
Thats not burning it bad, looks underwatered or overwatered. Keep the light further in advance, the plant will prefer to grow steadily and not be burnt than to try and maximise growth out of it and burn what grows... The effectivity is less in the long run... always put your hand between the heat you can feel from the bulb and the plant untill you can barely feel it and adjust accordingly.

Oh and keep misting as much as you can, if you burnt it you probably made it sweat alot and this will cause the leaves to curl, dry up and die


Active Member
Never thought about misting my plants. How much n how often should I be misting them when they are in 18/6 light period?

I have 26W 2700K bulbs in the reflectors and 2 X 13W 5000K bulbs hanging low. And a fan circulating. The temp in my closet stays around 85F.


I don't know what effect something like AquaSafe would have on plants. It could even be safe for aquatic plants, but that doesn't suggest much in terms of cannabis.
There are other ways to remove chlorine/chloramine from tap water such as a Brita or Pur carbon filter. AquaSafe contains chelates (tetrasodium EDTA) and other chemicals that are toxic to the micro-organisms in the soil almost like chlorine is.
Ocean Forest is quite heavily fertilized also, generally good soil though.


Active Member
Yeah I know. This ffof soil releases alot of nutes after watering. I just need to get better on how much water I need to put in every watering. Does anyone have a rule of thumb when watering? The way I watered last time was water until it comes out of the drain holes. But once it comes out of the drain holes do I empty out the water in the drain plate too? Whats the difference between watering like that and flushing?


You water when the top inch or so of the soil is dry. You can also tell by lifting up your pots, they will be much heavier when wet than when dry so if they are really light it is definitely time to water. If there is a lot of water in the plate then yes you would typically want to empty that, don't let the pots sit in stagnant water.
Generally you'll want about 15% of the amount you water to come out as run-off and you will know that you have watered thoroughly. It should be noted that if your soil is really dry then the water will most likely piss right out of it, in which case you'll want to water a little bit and then water some more later on. Especially when feeding it is good to water twice: once with just water and then with your fertilized water at least a half hour later. This will prevent the fertilizer from burning and damaging the roots.

A "flush" is something that people who use synthetic fertilizers (primarily) do occasionally and about a week or so before harvest to remove salts and excess nutrients that have accumulated. This entails watering 2-3x the size of your container. So if you had a 3-gallon pot and you were flushing you would use at least 6 gallons of water. If you have over fertilized a flush is often advised to help remove the excess nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Never thought about misting my plants. How much n how often should I be misting them when they are in 18/6 light period?

I have 26W 2700K bulbs in the reflectors and 2 X 13W 5000K bulbs hanging low. And a fan circulating. The temp in my closet stays around 85F.
**WARNING** *WARNING** lol ! DUDE THEM LIGHTS ARE TOO CLOSE! You need to give room for your plants to grow, they say 2" as a minimum but i wud always do 4-6" bro! Seriously dont think cfls cant kill your plants because they can! Especially if there little.

Mist them 3 x a day max with a minimum of 4 hours between misting. U Can mist as much as u want but u will notice the leaves start to look a bit deformed from being saturated by water, they jus go a lil wrinkly like when uv had a hot bath, just dont mist them for a day and they will look normal again then u can re mist them slightly less because you'll kno u were doin it too often. Be careful not to spray ur lights especialy being that close.


Well-Known Member
They look hungry. The little brown dots mean calmag is needed. I never spray my plants unless I have bugs.


Active Member
Calmag? Calcium and magnesium? So should I start feeding her grow big nutes next feeding? I didn't add any last time cuz I was afraid of nute burn


Well-Known Member
Yes they look hungry. If using RO or purified water always add a cal/mag supplement even when just watering.


Active Member
this is how they are looking right now. The lower new leaves are even turning yellow! :shock: is she going to be ok? I was thinking about switching out those 26W 2700K bulbs for 26W 5000K right now just for vegging. And adding two more 13 W 5000K bulbs hanging down also. Will that increase yield?



Active Member
From my understanding, I use 1/8 recommended dosage of Grow big two weeks after transplanting into ffof soil cuz of nutes in the soil already.Then 1/4 dosage after two weeks. Then use 1/8 recommended dosage of Tiger bloom and big bloom when flowering? Anyone correct me if I'm wrong? But do I start adding cal/mag to every watering I dont use fertilizer. Could that cause over-fertilizing? I'm using purified water from now on. Stocked up so I don't have any more added minerals to the mix.


Active Member
i read the feeding schedule for fox farm nutes and it says I'm supposed to be feeding my girls big bloom in early stages before using grow big. Is that recommended in the condition my plants look?


Active Member
Anyone have advice on what I should do? I just watered 2 days ago. I keep them under 18/6 light schedule. But seems like the longer I wait the worse they look. And I'm goin to get a spray bottle to mist my plants. But should I give them grow big or big bloom first as recommended in the fox farm feeding schedule?