Calcium Deficiency


Active Member
Short and sweet here.

I have a calcium/Magnesium Deficiency in my plant. I take calcium/magnesium everyday for vitamins, I have pure organic cal/mag I use for myself. Could I crush up like 1/4 of each pill and put it in my res to raise the cal/mag level of my res? It is nature made brand Vitamins.

How can I naturally Raise the Ph of my water, it seems to be too low to absorb calcium, anything that I can find around my house or wont kill my plants.

Thanks so much.


Active Member
Just get a bottle of magne-cal,I use it at around quarter strength from start to finish and can see a big improvement in my plants


Well-Known Member
I use Epsom salts. 1 tablespoon per gallon of res. Its weird, I have an indica dom that is really susceptible to calcium def in my ro water. But yet, my sativa dom plant does not show deficiencies at all!! Same regime. No epsom Salts.


Well-Known Member
IMO- Try it. I would have a PPM/TDS meter to see how much exactly your giving her. (If just Cal/Mag is in your stuff you have)
If you don't see results in a week or less then invest in a bottle of Cal/Mag as mentioned is a excellent idea.

Good Luck on Your Grow


Active Member
OK guys thanks so much for the input, I've come to the determination my well water has cal/mag in it but VERY low traces (which is probably why big has flourished and stole all the cal/mag from small since bigs stalk is strong like wood). But I don't think the Cal/Mag in the water from my well is enough for both of them. Im ordering This

Right now, It shouldn't be here for a few days so you guys have time to answer lol. How much of this stuff should I be adding to my res? Its a 3 gallon res but it tells me to add

• Soil Container Gardens: Use 1 tsp (5 ml) per gallon (4 l) of water.
• Accelerated formula: Use 2 tsp (10 ml) per gallon (4 l) of water.

Im guessing I should use the accelerated forumla shown above but is 6 tablespoons for 3 gallons of water safe for cannabis?