Calcium, Magnesium, & Brer Rabbit


Active Member
I used to use MG but for obvious reasons I've stopped. I'd used Lilly Miller's Alaskan Fish Fertilizer (5-1-1) in the past with fairly good results so I've switched back to that.

I used epsom salts with both ferts for a source of magnesium and I've often added molasses for carbs. I was looking at the molasses label and it contains both calcium and magnesium.

Can I get away with just using fish ferts and molasses? Does anyone know if there is enough of those minerals in molasses to supplement my ferts?


Well-Known Member
it doesn't cover everything. molasses is great for potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, carbs - sugars. use it with a compost and/or biologicals. molasses also acts as a catalyst. all the bacteria and microbes feed off it and multiply. the bacteria n what not keep your roots healthy helps break downs nutes for the plant to uptake. make sure you have like a base nutrient for bloom and veg. i use the botanicare line with molasses and compost.


Well-Known Member
The amounts are so small, and I only use molasses perhaps once/week and light doses at that, I don't even consider the minerals and stuff in there AFA any nutes or amendments I use.

Dolomite lime supply's my cal/mag, for the most part. Epsom Salts, if necessary.



Well-Known Member
Can I throw epsom salt and molasses in the same watering?
yes I HATE THAT STUPID POP UP "YOU MUST HAVE BLAH BLAHFOOKIN BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Is this enough characters????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Please ignore every thing but yes.