hey... i just bought some seeds from dutch passion which are the california orange strain. the thing is i thought that california orange was the same as california orange bud but i was wrong which makes me real angry. i read online the differences between dutch passions california orange and dutch passions california orange bud and the reviews were basically almost equal but the wierd thing was the california orange only had 7 % of thc but it also said the high is very strong (so how can that be)! in my opinion 7% is nothing and will not do much! on the california orange bud it has 16 % which is way more and in my opinion a much better choice. but wat is the true difference between the 2....i just dont understand. and is california orange with 7 % still a good and strong high? wat is the better choice... is it almost the same type of high and strength? some help wud be nice if any1 knows anything, thnx!!!