Calmag hungry plants.


Well-Known Member
My problem started about 2 weeks ago with 3 chemdawg4 clones. I tried different fixes on the 3 different plants and the one that is looking healthy is the one I've been giving calmag. I'm guessing these chem4 are calmag hungry since the only one i fed with calmag is the only one that looks healthy.
My question is do I have to feed with calmag every watering??? I'm using tap water.



Well-Known Member
My clones were planted into foxfarms happy frog on the 1st of October in solo cups. 2 weeks later i transplanted them into 1 gallon pots with fox farms ocean forest. They have been fed only the nutes that were already in the soil.


Active Member
So if the only nutrient that worked on a same kind of plant, then that's the one you should use ! Calmag has already been given right ? (I was gonna suggest using measures progressively, meaning 1/4 the dose 1st time, 1/2 the dose 2nd time .., that's if you got new clones to feed) Now you may need to feed them every time you water (the problem is tha people start adding more and more doses thinking that the plant can stand it) ! You water once and feed once alternatively ! ! cheers :leaf:


Pics of both.
Looking at your plants and comparing them is the best way to find the solution. The plants tell you what they need haha

If your only question is if you should feed calmag every watering, then i answer: every other watering until it starts to get better then stop. let them show you.

but we already know why your other plants aren't doing so well. good luck!



Well-Known Member
I use coco and soft water (45ppm). I was told by my base nutrient manufacturer to bring the ppm's up to 200 with a calmag product
before i add nutrients and that's what i have been doing. My plants are fed at every watering.