can i clone a plant that is already in flowering and force it back into vegitative??


Active Member
i have a very potent plant that i picked up one seed from abuddy and i have two others that are decent chronic plants i started from seeds and whats weird is all three of these random seeds turned out to be female

they are only about a week and a half into flowering and i awanna take my purple one and clone it . it just sprouted its first pistil today so i was wondering if its to late to clone on of the lower ones that hasent sprouted and clone it and make it veg so that way i can hae more of the potent plant :spew:


Well-Known Member
never to late to clone ive done it 3 weeks from harvest it will revert back to veg it just gets harder to find good sites to take cuttings from


Active Member
whats the best way to clone a plant i have read the marijuana grow bible and i bought a book im using cfls so its by see more buds it is the grow 8 oz for less than 100 bucks and it has pictures but i dont think i relaly understand maybe i do i think i might just be dumb


Well-Known Member
what i do is find a branch about 6 inches long snip it off then while holding the cut end under water with avery sharp pair of scissors cut again at a 45 degree angle i use schultz rooting hormone i mix a little in distilled water then swirl the cutting in the powder and just put the cutting in the water very low light for a day or 2 also trim back any big leaves you might have usually about 10 days i get roots popping out


Active Member
do u have any way u can show me i think i understand but i dunno where do u get your rooting shit at is it expensive i bassically have a walmart i can go to hahah :cuss:


Well-Known Member
here is a pic of the schult'z take root, bought mine at lowes i believe. i cut a lower branch if it is already in flower, try to find one with the smallest amount of nug growth. cut at angle run cut end under cool running water. then dip in the rooting hormone and place in rockwool, or vermiculite. DSC00054.jpg


Well-Known Member
i made a bubbler cloner outa a coffe can and a airstone qith airpump. just cut one inch or so holes in the top and dropped the cutting in there, lol, it works. u dont need rockwool or dome as the oxygentated water does it al for u and if yure like me u llike to check on it visually every five min. haha. u can pull the clones out and just plant them in yur media, this my first time at any kind of cloning and it works fine, i kinda nervous i took my clones too small, the hydrotn mite kill them, well see. superthrive form home depot is all i used and it works wonders, just follow bottles instructions:eyesmoke:


Active Member
oh ok thanks guys i appreciate it im fucking kind apissed right now haha i jsut broke on of my tops off trying to bend it away from the light it just fuckin snapped off :cuss::wall::finger: but it was a plant i was planning on replacing anyways but cool guys thanks alot