Can multiple girls share 1 large pot?


Hey guys. Just curious, I have 6 girls 2 weeks into flowering about 2 feet tall. Can I put them into large Rubbermaid bins together maybe 3 in each. I'm thinking like the 30 to 50 gallon ones.



Well-Known Member
it's not good to transplant during flower. but yea i see no reason why you can't have multiple plants in the same dirt as long as there is enough soil and drainage etc... you won't be able to separate them if one has a problem and so forth, but just take a look outside, plants are growing in the "same container" lol!


Well-Known Member
If you put them into their own tub they will produce a lot. I got almost an elbow off a 30 gal tub had its very own 1000w light tho. Hurry if youre going to do it, since you are only in 2nd week


Well-Known Member
Its hard to treat 1 bad plant when you have a bunch together. Just creates problems, and transplanting while already starting to flower causes shock, which will 50% of the time cause stresses in the plant to not produce very well. Its kinda risky.


Well-Known Member
30 to 50 gallons I really wouldn't see a big problem with. As long as they have enough space away from each other anyways.
Some people have already posted about if one has a problem. I say go ahead and go for it since those are large containers. Just approach with care and keep an eye on your nutes if they're different strains and more so if you have a mix of indica and sativa dominant in the same containers.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree, probably would want the taller sativa's on the outskirts and the shorter ones in the middle to fill it out decently. It can for sure work, just be cautious of your feeding like monkey said. good luck.


Thanks all for the insight. I am rocking all Power Plant so no mixing of strains. I think I'll get everything I need today and set it up.
