Can you get high off scraping your bowl?


Well-Known Member
All out till tomorrow..... I just read that the resin in your bowl has no thc b/c it vaporizes at low temp. So is it even worth it for me to try?


Well-Known Member
Scraping your pipe is the ultimate sign that you are a true pot head. But growspecialist is right - it's a life saver and it will get you stoned. It's kind of a headache high but beats being sober.

I usually boil my pipe, scrape it with a paper clip, filter the water through some coffee filters and scoop up whats left at the bottom of the pan with a spoon - let the resin dry, then smoke it from a tinny or pop can.


Well-Known Member
I've been so hard up that I've smoked the scrapings from scrapings. me a scraping tool kit and everything!
scrapers of the world unite!!


Well-Known Member me a scraping tool kit and everything!
Holy shit I have a scraping tool kit too.

It consists of two paper clips (one straightened out like a hook), tongs, a piece of paper, coffee filters, lighter, and a pop can.

...I sound like a fucking junkie...


New Member
Lol that’s so great I need a kit too I just use my hair pins I’m currently out and I know I haven’t scraped my glass pop can for months so...


New Member
Holy shit I have a scraping tool kit too.

It consists of two paper clips (one straightened out like a hook), tongs, a piece of paper, coffee filters, lighter, and a pop can.

...I sound like a fucking junkie...
Only to those that don’t smoke pot but we understand completely where your coming from


New Member
Lmfao I was lucky today I ran out and went to scrape looked next to my bed and underneath was a bag with enough for a bowl pack