Can you store cuttings or clones for future use???


Active Member
I am going to take cuttings from my mother plant but do not want to clone them just yet. I have a limited grow room and do not want to clone them till my previous cycle is done flowering. I do not want to interupt the 12/12 lighting cycle, nor use the HPS lamps on the clones (MH for Veg), nor have different size plants in the grow room.

Can I take cuttings and store them somewhere for future use, maybe the fridge? If so, how long do i have to keep them stored? Thank you for the advice.


Well-Known Member
I have heard of guys putting them in the fridge.. never tried myself to know - but if you have limited room, why not take a pass of cuttings to trim the plant back and then when you are ready (or in 2 weeks) take another pass of cuttings and use that for clones?


Active Member
I have heard of guys putting them in the fridge.. never tried myself to know - but if you have limited room, why not take a pass of cuttings to trim the plant back and then when you are ready (or in 2 weeks) take another pass of cuttings and use that for clones?
Thanks for the reply. I thought of that. The thing I can't determine is when the very latest I can take clones from a plant? Can you take clones during the flowering process? It will be my first time cloning so I am a little inexperienced in this.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply. I thought of that. The thing I can't determine is when the very latest I can take clones from a plant? Can you take clones during the flowering process? It will be my first time cloning so I am a little inexperienced in this.
And its not space that is the most concern. I only have one grow room so having the clones under a 24 hour light will interupt the plants that are in their flower stage. Then when they leave the humidity dome they would be forced to veg under HPS since the older plants are still flowering.


Well-Known Member
you CAN take clones from flowering plants.. my last set up I regularly cloned plants that were in week 3 of flower. They root faster, BUT you then have to invest 2 weeks in the plant going back into the veg's almost not worth it.. once you have an established clone routine, you will get almost 100% sucess rate 99% of the time :)

cloning seems to be either - very easy for people, or very hard for people. I find it very easy. So I will help if I can on that - I'm taking clones tonight myself - so wouldn't mind going through it with you if it would help. Saves me from getting shit on by mods :P

How are you planning on vegging with one room? Where are you keeping the mother plants? keep the clones there too...

Yes 24 hours light will mess up your flowering... 12 hours of light will make your clones go immediately into flower, not veg.
MJ is a photoperiod plant. All that means is, the "photoperiod" or period of light (hours per day) dictate the stage of the plant's life. If you run Mj 24/0 light on, it will veg indefinitely. Once you shorten the light hours, the plant thinks it's going into the end phase of it's life, and goes into flower for self preservation.

I veg under HPS. Makes the plants a little more stretchy, but the stems are way thicker, supporting more vigourous growth, so, don't worry about vegging with HPS...


Active Member
I'm vegging now.
2 x 400 MH and HPS with a 4 x 6 room.
I think I have the clonning part down pat. Ive watched a lot of youtube videos :) Of course that doesnt beat doing it and experiencing the process. I guess I can put the clones under
an HPS till the flowering is removed and then switch to MH. But that still leaves me with one problem. The lighting cycle. I read somewhere on another site that you can fridge them for a recommended time of 3 weeks. So if I take your strategy of cutting during the third week of flowering and than sticking them in the fridge for 3 weeks, that give me 6 weeks to flower the previous cycle. This is a very sophisticated process, lolol


Well-Known Member
Veg under MH, flower under HPS.
MH in veg produces more compact plants than HPS.
MH in flower produces fluffy bud.
HPS in veg produces more stretched plants, but they have a more hardened stem and seem to fair better with cloning and LST because of the more woody stem.
HPS in flower produces harder nugs, all commercial weed is produced under HPS (I'm fairly confident to post that).

6 weeks is not long enough to flower.. BUT..
if you take cuttings in week 3 of flower.. they will root in 7-10 days.. then re-vert to veg takes about 2 weeks...
THEN if you throw them in the fridge for about a week.. they will be ready to go on your next cycle, and I HAVE kept plants alive in the trunk of my car for 5 days with no light (in the summer) so unless your fridge freezes your celery, I wouldn't worry about it too much.


Active Member
Seems about right. You know I also read that you can keep a cutting in the clonning process for about 2 months. Maybe I will just make room on my dresser for a humidity dome and have it grow the clones for 2 months. I just hate the fact that I am turning my entire bedroom into a grow operation :)


Active Member
im also curious on this method and how you go bout doing so..i plan on growing in a 4x4 for veg/flower. my mother room is 4x2x4 high. id also like to store cuttings for future thinking you do so by storeing them in the fridge inside a zip lock bag...yes/no?


Active Member
wrong..thats called growing...he mention he has limited sure what he meant was keepn the cutting some were were they wont rot till he can root them..thats also my question..and the answer to that is yes...i did some research and you def can keep them inside a ziplock bag stored inside the fridge for bout 2/3 months,even longer. ever been to a flower shop and they keep cut roses in water stored inside a fridge? exactly!

You can store them for as long as you want. It's called "vegging"


Well-Known Member
I can keep my babies(W/Roots) for a month.Never tried to do it any longer.Never tried freezing them either because it will kill tissue.I use a heat mat a reflective flexible beer cooler and a small flouro and they stay til I need them.Build youreself some kind of nursery even 1 ft square is better than nothing.The only limit is your imagination.Good luck.


Well-Known Member
it takes longer than 2 weeks to reveg a plant.................u really need to make some kind of lil grow box for a mother
not under 24/0. At least hasn't taken me any longer in the past few years I've been growing this way to reveg.


Well-Known Member
not under 24/0. At least hasn't taken me any longer in the past few years I've been growing this way to reveg.
So your full of shit bruv let ne see pics of clones took rooted and vegging properly under 2 weeks !! Ok they might root faster but no faster vegging than any that are took in veg imo i do it for conveinence check my old journal !!


Well-Known Member
Secret? No secret.
I cut my clones at 3 weeks in flower. They root in 7 days, I pot them and throw them under 24/0 and they go into flower after 2 weeks of veg.. I take my next round of cuttings off those plants at week 3 of flower.. and the cycle begins again. I harvested every 3 weeks in a perpetual... no other way I could do it - other than I do it right???
You want to see pics?
give me a few minutes.

Edit: you may have to give me longer - getting an error when I go to search my threads..I'll post back. I do it. no reason to lie to any of you. You can't do it... sorry for your inabilities.. don't accuse me of lying just because I got my shit hooked up and you don't.


Active Member
Secret? No secret.
I cut my clones at 3 weeks in flower. They root in 7 days, I pot them and throw them under 24/0 and they go into flower after 2 weeks of veg.. I take my next round of cuttings off those plants at week 3 of flower.. and the cycle begins again. I harvested every 3 weeks in a perpetual... no other way I could do it - other than I do it right???
You want to see pics?
give me a few minutes.

Edit: you may have to give me longer - getting an error when I go to search my threads..I'll post back. I do it. no reason to lie to any of you. You can't do it... sorry for your inabilities.. don't accuse me of lying just because I got my shit hooked up and you don't.
I believe you. I seen it done personally myself. Especially if you skin the ends of your cuttings or splice it rather than the normal 45 degree angle cut. How do you cut your ends?

im also curious on this method and how you go bout doing so..i plan on growing in a 4x4 for veg/flower. my mother room is 4x2x4 high. id also like to store cuttings for future thinking you do so by storeing them in the fridge inside a zip lock bag...yes/no?

For the other guys question. Its been three months since I posted this and have stores cutting in the fridge for about 3 weeks. Some people say you can do it up to 2 months. Havent tried to go that far yet. Use a mason jar and fill it half way up with water. Cut your cuttings and stick them into the mason jar. Sealed it up and throw it in the fridge. Walla, stored cuttings. Not a hard as I thought it would be.


Well-Known Member
Taking cuttings is cake but bringing a mother back to take cuttings is a completely different thing.I take my cutting whenever I choose.I know all of my genetics are hermie free and 100 % female.In the post I was referring to you said you could reveg in a very short time.