Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam


Active Member
i read about it every year in high times... sounds like a nightmare with all the crowds, but a great place to network a little away from the prying eyes of the us govt... anyone on here *actually* gone?


been before once....going back this year. the crowds aren't great but definitely not too bad. it's hard to find a chair to smoke in at the more popular coffee shops but you can still buy bud easily enough and bring it somewhere else to puff. even if you don't want to shell out 250 bucks for a 'judges pass' you can still buy all of the entries at the shops and try them out anyways(though i think they are sold at a premium to people without passes.....15 euros for a gram of utopia haze :S). that said, i didn't get a pass last time i went but I'm going to see what it's like with a pass this time. if you are thinking of going....bring a map and some warm and good walking shoes.


Active Member
CC is noramly around the end of november around the time the U.S. is in Thanksgiving mode. I have never been. I have had friends that have gone. I plan on going with my wife when the kids get older. Its basicly the E3 or ATE of weed. Everyone brings the biggest newest best and the world tries it and gives feed back.

I remeber that High Times used to to do a trip for like 2,000$ a person that gave you judging passes.


Well-Known Member
Hit up Amsterdam when they are setting her up.
When the Ccup comes all the hotel rates and herb prices rise. I like to go and then leave before its over.
You Don't need to judge, do you? You can see what is on the list, what others will be judging on and then but those strains from their respective shops.
If you are American don't act like one, after traveling around more annoying you are the less people (Locals) will lighten up.
Its funny I get asked directions after I've been in town for a day or two.

Stay Long
It's an experience stay as long as you possibly can, I promise you wont want to go home.

Bring Cash!
the herbs are plenty and plenty expensive.

Bring seed.
If you can score yourself some souvenir seeds do it.

How is it? AMAZING to say the least.
Found myself hitting up burger king to eat american type fast food, to feel like home.

Museums of all kinds, Rembrandt, torture Museum, Anne Frank House.
See The Park.

Now, It's gonna be cold. and It's gonna be dark. They just do not have as many daylight hours as we do.

Its almost Xmas, (Near thanksgiving and CCup) So Cinder Clause will be making his rounds.

English is fine, they are waiting for you, this is the big money maker for the area.
You can find tons of info online. Airfare is best bought now.

I was spending about $200 a day. Renting an apartment for 2 weeks.
Had a Moroccan Coffee shop 22 steps from the door of our place and that makes it pretty nice.

I recommend an apartment if possible (rented early enough)

Nightlife goes off!
Grab a movie in the theater (English w/dutch sub) and grab a lager when you get your popcorn too.

Good to bring two friends too, they can help on lodging.

The Cup is cool, but also busy busy busy.

Its more chill to go earlier in the year, (Pre-October) rates are low.

and If you're going let me know, I can't make it this time.
Pm me for my souvenir order!!

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
I live in the US and would kill to goto Cannabis Cup this year ... When is it?

3 years ago when I resigned from a high paying job, I had some $$$ saved up and decided I wanted to goto Amsterdam, maybe backpack or take some train rides elsewhere. Well, my buddy who was going to join me in this lil venture applied for his passport, but unfort, it was around the time that Hurricane Katrina hit. Little did he know that the main office for passport processing was in New Orleans and was currently 10 ft under water, so he ended up getting a notice that he would be delayed 3-6 months until one of the other smaller offices could catch up on the extra workload.

No passport = Trip Cancelled = Me Very Sad =(

But this year is another story, I would love to make something like that work ... You guys going for sure?
So I'm all set for staying there the whole of next week. Rented out an apartment for four of us, which is really nice and works out at no more than £40/$60pppn I guess one day at the event is enough, right?

Any recommendations on decent coffee shops in the city? Last time I went was as a school kid!


i read about it every year in high times... sounds like a nightmare with all the crowds, but a great place to network a little away from the prying eyes of the us govt... anyone on here *actually* gone?
I can imagine it is an awesome place to network, coz you can actually meet all the 'kingpin's', the closest I have got is watching these videos .
Man I'd love to sit and talk to some of these guys, think of the info you can get straight from the source!
Defo gonna go next year