cannabis hyperemesis syndrome?


New Member
i just started smoking weed about 5 or so weeks ago, i there was a few days i smoked all day but mostly i wait till about 3-5 to smoke.. been smoking alot of flower.. so i tried dabs (hot press) the day after i out of no where got sick to my stomach threw up and felt fine. few days later did dabs again same thing. in-between that i did bads with diamonds (extracted with butane) no sickness. last night i got a vape and used it at 5pm and smoked flower the rest of the night and today got sick, now i called the pharmacy he said it is cannabis hyperemesis syndrome and stop smoking for 7 days. now i may be new af and all but to me that dont sound like it at all. thoughts?
i just started smoking weed about 5 or so weeks ago, i there was a few days i smoked all day but mostly i wait till about 3-5 to smoke.. been smoking alot of flower.. so i tried dabs (hot press) the day after i out of no where got sick to my stomach threw up and felt fine. few days later did dabs again same thing. in-between that i did bads with diamonds (extracted with butane) no sickness. last night i got a vape and used it at 5pm and smoked flower the rest of the night and today got sick, now i called the pharmacy he said it is cannabis hyperemesis syndrome and stop smoking for 7 days. now i may be new af and all but to me that dont sound like it at all. thoughts?
i would also like to note that after i feel 100% fine and can eat and drink right after, moods is always calm no cramps, there is diarrhea but that has been going on long before i started medicating
I think it has more to do with chemicals people use when growing than cannabis in general. No one had ever heard of this until recent times, I've smoked all my life and have never witnessed this thing in myself or any friends I know. I see a lot of young people overdoing things with extracts lately, but honestly, knowing the filthy things commercial producers use while growing and in their garage extractions, my guess is that people are reacting to tainted product. This is a big reason why this site exists, people want to control what goes into their bodies by growing at home.
The syndrome itself is not well understood or even fully established. It is known that some people have an allergy, but that isnt your issue.

Dabs are strong, you may have had a reaction that was mental and was too much for you. It's also possible as mentioned above that one of your products is not purged properly and you got sick smoking butane chemicals.

Smoke the flower, skip the dabs. Your lungs will thank you.
I think it has more to do with chemicals people use when growing than cannabis in general. No one had ever heard of this until recent times, I've smoked all my life and have never witnessed this thing in myself or any friends I know. I see a lot of young people overdoing things with extracts lately, but honestly, knowing the filthy things commercial producers use while growing and in their garage extractions, my guess is that people are reacting to tainted product. This is a big reason why this site exists, people want to control what goes into their bodies by growing at home.
i know people who been smoking for years and also never herd of this, i fond it strange he went right out and said its this dont take your medicine for 7 days, also i am growing my own. they are about a week old atm maybe ill post them later hehe. vape was dispensary dabs where street but its wuality dabs
Since you haven't been smoking long, my advice is to be careful. Good health is a gift, and if you are experiencing symptoms from multiple different sources-extracts, bud from different places, etc-your body might just not react well to it. Sort of like how some people can't metabolize alcohol properly, making it much more dangerous for them to drink.
A lot of medical profession folks believe if a substance is causing a reaction, to simply avoid the substance until the system recovers and is no longer affected. His advice was simple and without risk to him imo.

I do believe it is a real syndrome, and in your case at worst, you reached a slightly toxic level your system had trouble eliminating. Being tired or less than your best can also contribute to this.
i tried dabs (hot press) the day after i out of no where got sick to my stomach threw up and felt fine. few days later did dabs again same thing.
You never know what goes inside extracts. I spoke with a commercial grower in Barcelona who specialize on extracts. He told me that one season he made a lot of extracts from rotted buds. I wouldn't smoke that.
When you buy flower you can see what you buy at least. But the best way is to grow your own.
I know two people who came down with this disorder. Both of them smoked those high THC carts all day long for a very long time before they came down with this disorder. Now even a regular bowl will make them so sick there only relief is to stay under a hot shower until it passes.
only smoked flower last night and got sick this morning. im will to say it is not the weed doing it. it has got to be something else.
Why would you say it’s not the weed if you get sick everytime you smoke.
it isnt. it was only when i did concentrates i smoke weed every single day. ive smoked every day for 5 weeks and got sick 4 times so its nhot the weed. i actually ate a few pretzels before my meds to see if thats the reason
Salt is a basic anti-nausea med, often suggested to pregnant women i.e. eat some potato chips or pretzels when they are sick.

If you have the syndrome it will happen from any smoking too while you have the acute symptoms.

Try not eating 3 hrs before bed every night, it sounds like a stomach acid issue to me but hey we arent doctors here diagnosing over the web!
only smoked flower last night and got sick this morning. im will to say it is not the weed doing it. it has got to be something else.
It’s a weed hangover. I get them if I’m off the weed for a few weeks and then smoke it like I usually do. I get like a 1/2 to 1/3 strength liquor hangover the next day. Nausea mostly. When I smoke everyday it takes me about a week to build up to a level in my system where I don’t notice it in the mornings.
I can ”green out“ too. I do get cannabiboid hyperemesis and it sucks. Way worse than a hangover, but I’m good at running under my tipping point.