Cannabis Ruderalis


Well-Known Member
whats the deal with this? read a little about it in CC and was wondering if anybody had any personal experience with it?


Well-Known Member
it seems like a fun plant, its supost to be a whole other class of marijuana by itself, well a 3rd, besides sativa, and indica. and it is an autoflowering strain... I want to fucks with it, but I would like to know some peoples personal experiences too... theres lots of sexy crosses, with it and other good buds too.


Well-Known Member
yea what caught my eye was the ruderalis x skunk. i also heard that with this class it is possible for 2 outdoor harvests a season


Well-Known Member
never ordered seeds before but might actually grab some of these and some sick headies while im at it


Well-Known Member
well it seems like a good quick harvest, but anything auto is going to be small, since they usually only veg to 5-7th nodes. i definetly think its worth an experiment, i'm waiting on lowryder 2 to arrive right now. apparrently auto-ak47 from lowlife seeds is sposed to be one of the best auto flowers, its sposed to be really stable, good smoke, and wicked resiliant.

biggest problem i can see with autos is that since the buds are so close to the soil or hydro mold is more likely.


Well-Known Member
I want an autoflowering strain for outside, or a geurilla grow, so small is better :)
it says that lowriders 2 wont get over a foot tall... but I dont believe that with outdoors, or else I would buy iy :P


Well-Known Member
I was told that ruderalis was pretty crappy but its not something i have actually checked out.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
crappy in taste or smell or just all around? thanks natmoon for the info
Crappy in potency was the biggest complaint i think.
Like hemp crossed with skunk basically.
This is all just pub talk though and i have no facts and no exp with ruderalis:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
im interested in this. auto as in it grows by itself, w/out maintenence? just come back X weeks later? if anybody has actually PERSONALLY TRIED TO GROW, or atleast tried the bud hit me up wit a PM.:peace:


im interested in this. auto as in it grows by itself, w/out maintenence? just come back X weeks later? if anybody has actually PERSONALLY TRIED TO GROW, or atleast tried the bud hit me up wit a PM.:peace:
auto as in autoflowers.... will flower after a certain time no matter the light schedule...


Active Member
I`m from Norther Europe and Ruderalis are growing in a weed,and only use of it,is making cannabis milk,but good thing,Ruderalis is very very hardy plant,and grows I ordered some Ruderalis Indica,for my summer guerilla growing...will inform you,how good,or bad it is...have to wait till september!