Cant Figure Out Whats wrong


Active Member
ok guys my plant is having problems growing. it is 4 weeks old and is still actin like a baby. I call this plant "baby" cuz its still a damn baby!

I am growing this plant indoors
on my window
I'm using Soil, Natural Sunlight,

I Occasionally give them a couple hours
with the fan

"Baby" Description:

It is short, about 3 1/2 inches off the soil
has only 2 pairs of leaves and the little baby leaves under them.
the little baby leaves are yellow power ranger yellow
also the above half of the tiny noodle stem,
the stem is a pure, spyro the dragon purple

I can't figure out what is going wrong.
this plant has 5 brother/sisters growing right next to it with the same soil and growing conditions, I always water all my plants at the same time.

Also the other 5 plants are the exact same age as the Baby plant (I planted them all at the same time) and they are all Grwoing nice and well. NICE AND BIG 4 REAL

why can't the baby plant be growing nice and well too???

I recently tested the PH of Baby's Soil,
and it is 6.0 (is that good?)

I am growing it in a Jumbo size Sour Cream Container. I don't get this becase the plant right next to it is grwoing in a Tucson Police Dpt. Cup which is smaller,
and the plant is like 5 times bigger then Baby!!

can anyone help me out
I don't want to lose my baby!!!!!!

I'll be here waiting... smoking a blunt...


Active Member
Could just be a runt, it happens. If your not treating the plants differently that they are flourishing and pH is ok i would say its just a runt. The cotyledons (small yellow round leaves) normally wilt and fall off. It could be lack of nitrogen but i doubt it. Purple stem? what are your temps


Active Member
my temps are high 70s/low 80s during day and prob low 70s during the night

I posted this more than a week ago, and the Baby plant is exactly the same it has not grown at all
while the other plants are big, green, and healthy.

should I give up on this plant or what
cuz its takin up space....


New Member
"I am growing it in a Jumbo size Sour Cream Container. I don't get this becase the plant right next to it is grwoing in a Tucson Police Dpt. Cup which is smaller,
and the plant is like 5 times bigger then Baby!!"

Could it be that the one in the sour cream container is intimidated by the one in the Tucon Police Department cup? Just sayin' ... :lol:




Active Member
it has now been 2 weeks since I Posted this problem
the baby plant is exactly the same except that the bottom leaves already fell off.

It can't be sunlight because I have 4 other plants right next to it, and they are nice, green, and healthy
also the tip of one of the leaves is a Mustard color and dry.
I am going to put it in different soil to see if I can save it.

I'ma get a camera soon so that I could show you guy pics

Ironically the plant in the smallest container, (medium sour cream cup) is the largest plant.

Good smokin


Active Member
just put the baby plant in a new growing meduim
I put it in a larger container with new black rich soil

hopefully it will grow...


Active Member
ok, i noticed that i have a couple pounk ass bugs
I took the plant out of the soil and put it in a cup of water for 5 mins
any bug that was on my plant or the roots will drown
I also changed the soil

now all we can do is sit back and wait to see if it grows



Active Member

this morning I noticed that BABY had two little tiny leaves growing out of the middle
it is growing its second set of leaves 2 months after I planted it


Active Member
Everything is good now, the plant is starting to grow
it also has revealed its sex. its a female.
it is 2 1/2 inches tall.



Active Member
I know it is a female because I can see little thick white hairs coming out of each side of where the new top leaves are growing

I have determined that the reason for the stunned growth is because I use poor soil. every time I would water it, it would harden and crack.
I switched it to home depot soil on 3-21

what appears to be the bottom leaves are actually the baby clones
I cut off the first 4 leaves. (the double sprout leaves, and the wide double single ones)

also to note:
I have never seen anything like this. it is like a mini plant because I can even see the mini clones growin on it