Certain Strains No Good For Hydro?


Active Member
Hey guys I'm getting back into the whole hydro thing and started up some DWC buckets but have been having some issues with getting it all started and was looking for some help. I started some NYC Diesel and things were looking good but right as I thought things would be okay she came down with the brown slime, so I added H2o2 35% and cleaned up those roots....the slime came back....soaked again and started adding H2o2 to the res.....slime came back....so went with the hiesenburg EWC tea and got all my roots cleaned up and it looked to boost some root production. Been adding EWC on a regular basis to keep it all going but the slime just comes back....so thinking there was some contaminate in the res I tore the plant out and stuck her in a solo cup....steralized everything! Started a new NYC Diesel and a Green Crack.....

Now the NYC Diesel, the one I tore out of the DWC and stuck in a cup is thriving and the new NYC that is in the DWC is looking droopy as hell and isn't looking like she's wanting to grow much. The green crack on the other hand is looking wonderful and it wanting to grow like crazy....wtf....PH is at 5.8 and water temps are great and no light is getting into the buckets and I'm using GH nutes. So my question is....Do some plants just not like hydro? Thx guys!