Charges against family members?


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody,

I'm in kind of a sticky situation. My brother and I are both young adults, and as we're taking time off from university, we're living at home with our folks. My parents are both pro-pot, and my mom likes the idea of having a small indoor garden, but my dad is extremely paranoid. If for some reason there were a bust, is there any way my parents would incur charges as the homeowners? The grow site would be contained entirely within my brother's room, and we'd keep it to under three plants. There's no practical way we'd get busted, but I'd like to know anyway the likelihood of a homeowner incurring charges for a grow op in which he/she has no involvement. Isn't it possible to just claim ignorance? Although we aren't hiding anything from them, it would be very easy to claim that only we knew about it. Any thoughts or experiences would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
They can claim ignorance but I have heard of cases where the parents were charged. Just follow the #1 rule: don't tell ANYONE, and you'll be fine man. Not to mention the po po most likely won't go out of their way to get a warrant since with <4 plants you won't have any excess heat output in the house, you most likely won't be selling, and you will not have told anyone. ;)


Well-Known Member
They can claim ignorance but I have heard of cases where the parents were charged. Just follow the #1 rule: don't tell ANYONE, and you'll be fine man. Not to mention the po po most likely won't go out of their way to get a warrant since with <4 plants you won't have any excess heat output in the house, you most likely won't be selling, and you will not have told anyone. ;)
alright thanks dude. yeah i just wonder if prosecuting family members claiming innocence would be the norm in most places or an exception in cases where the judge is an asshole. I live in a generally pro-pot state (vermont); the laws aren't actually that lenient but judges usually seem to give people breaks wherever they can. Also, having fewer than three plants is a misdemeanor, not a felony. I'm aiming for two flowering females at a time, but of course, that's gonna call for like six or eight seedlings and probably veggin at least 5 plants... basically i love growin weed because it's such a beautiful plant, and the risk is very low cause i haven't told anyone, but it's not worth getting my family fucked by the long dick of the law. any other thoughts on this situation, i'd love to hear em.


Active Member
As home owners, your parents are liable and the police can sieze the entire home if you were caught busted. Know the consiquences completely before you set up a grow in your area. Murphy's law states that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Your neighbor walks through your yard when they are not supposed to and notice your plants or something and then everything goes down the drain. Do not think for a second that the police will not investigate even if it's one plant---should they find out that you are growing. They don't have to send a full task force, just a car with 2 po po in it. If your dad is paranoid, then one visit from the police will be enough for him to pull your plants. Think carefully before your proceed. My rule of thumb is that if you do not own or rent your own HOUSE (not apartment, not mobile home) then do not attempt a grow unless medical is on your side.