Check out my pics in Bongs,pipes ect


Well-Known Member
i'm coming over. i got a big jar of fill-up for all of those. very nice collection. i like the "as of", i like you am always gathering another.


Active Member
Sweet carrot pipe lol, imagine if everyone put there bongs together what a collection of stuff that would be

Well-Known Member
heres how to make an awsome pipe:::( step 1 get a bouillon cube jar thats made out of glass)

step 2 get a bb gun that shoots metal balls
step 3 duck tape around the container and cut a little straw sized circle into the tape
step 4 take the gun and shoot the circle and it should break a tinney hole in it
step 5 take a screw and twist it around inside that little hole till it gets bigger then put a straw in that hole (if the holes too big put electric tape around the straw till it fits snugg)
step 6 find a metal thing that is used for cars and bikes and stuff (this will be the bowl, its the socket part of a socet wrench)
step 7 either make a screen for the socket or take tin foil and put it in the socket (the part where the wrench goes) and a little piece inside where the bolt thing goes make sure you clean it first and make sure you can get air threw it.
step 8 (take the seal out of the lid) take the lid to the jar thing and put a hole it it for the socket to fit in and screw it back on. and your ready to use a realy nice pipe

Plastic bouillon cube jar pipe instructions:
step 1 put a hole in the side where the straw goes sam thing if the holes too blig tape the straw
step 2 same thing take the seal out of the lid drill a hole
step 3make a bowl out of a socket

the plastic ones easier but the glass ones better, you can see the smoke come threw and you can quickley pull the socket out when its beat and breath the smoke threw the socket hole and i call it the bakers pipe