Chem Dog


Well-Known Member
I read that Chem Dog was a very dank smelling plant to grow. I just planted two seeds. I want something thats just skunky, pungent, pure diesel or gas smelling. Most my stuff as of late has been fruity. My choices are many, Mephisto, RocBud, Mandalorian Anvil, Dutch Passion etc. What other Autos are really stinky?
Yeah I’m about to experience that pretty soon. 40 days in and this chem de la chem is the most aromatic one out of the 4. Heard sours, some cookies, mephistos forum stomper or 3bog. All known stinkers
Yeah I’m about to experience that pretty soon. 40 days in and this chem de la chem is the most aromatic one out of the 4. Heard sours, some cookies, mephistos forum stomper or 3bog. All known stinkers
I have DeLa Chem, Forum Stomper, Bear Assed Monkey, Forum Cookies, 3 bears x samsquanch and a bunch of other meph gear I just wassnt sure which stinks I know Ripleys doesn't smell at all