Chocha's 2011 290W Spectra LED TV Cabinet Perpetual Grow Journal


New Member
Hi All,

New grow starting up. Bare with me as I gain structure to my life as I just moved out for the first time.

Anyhow, I have 6 bitches under ten 6500k 100watt (23 or 27 actual, can't remember) with 4" ducting to and from taking the heat away with a little fan for circulation of the heat and fresh air from above to below. Up top I have have 2 4" cheap inline cans from home depot ~28 each hooked up to some old computer plugs I had laying around, other wise the plugs are ~9/ea. My temps are a consistent ~75 degrees during the day, but when the lights kick off at night the temps drop into the high fifties...not good, I know.. looking to add a slider of sorts controlled by a solenoid to close the duct @ lights off... most likely will do it with a photosensor to see when it's dark. ...just takes money??? , .... right

My Soil mix is a mix of roughly following: 1part perlite:1part vermiculite:1part canadian sphagnum peat moss:1.5 parts miracle grow organic soil mix.

Eventually I will work in this bag of cococair I picked up last night with botanicare's nutrients. Have 1 quart of GH PH^ and PHv, 1 quart bud candy, 1 small container superthrive (2/3 left), 1 quart pure blend pro soil bloom, 1 quart pure blend pro soil veg, 1 quart cal mag (all botanicare products).. picked that stuff up for $85 last night from some bloke. (also got 3 12 quart pots, 4 port timer (digital power-strip, which is 8 ports total, of which only 4 ports are timed) a basic PH Pro Test kit (drop & vial junk).1 bag coco coir & finally some funky expandable plastic tomato bag pot. All this for ~85, some time and 15~ in gas and tolls. I paid for it like I stole it. lol

Anyhow, I have some pictures to appease you all.


My Cabinet is about ~80whatever inches tall, 40" wide x 24" deep..
ID TOP: 44"Tx38"Wx19"D
ID BOTTOM: 25"Tx38"Wx19"D


Currently the piece of shit has pocket doors up top, which I want to remove to gain grow space. I also want to install some 1x1 all around the doors so I can properly seal it up...dunno why I didn't think of that sooner. DUH..

I picked it up the cabinet for $50 from a dude right up the road. Took three grown men to carry it up my apartment stairs.. one of which was a police officer!! heheh the other my father, both completely unaware of my plans. :eek:

I was planning on doing a small CFL grow only in the bottom... but of course, I've been bitten before I even had a bite.

It was extremely lethal venom... I happened to place a few calls to all my credit providers and I figured out a deal to finance it all. (edit) Stay optimistic and be paranoid :o:idea:

I know my thoughts are scattered, deal with it. im sorry (edt) lmao :leaf:

I used this instant waterproof quick roof for a bit of sound deadening...I just haven't gotten around to putting an actual back on the cabinet though, mainly since I have no tools here to do so (must measure and go get it cut @ blowe's :wall:)

I ordered some goodies earlier...not sure when they will all arrive.. but I'm sure the stuff I really need won't be here for ~2 weeks. Gotta love supply and demand.
and some cloning gel earlier for ~120 shipped.

growLEDhydro Spectra LED 290 (New 2011 model) ~720 shipped
approx delivery 4/8-4/11

Ambient Weather WS-0100-COMBO-KIT Wireless Thermo-Hygrometer with Three Remote Sensors ~47 shipped approx delivery 4/6-4/12

NEW 6" Max Fan Can Fan 334 CFM ~170 shipped approx delivery 4/6-4/12

I know the ducting is a mess inside the top, but it's all going to be reworked anyway so who the f cares lol.

Any questions feel free to ask.

As far as the pics go.... double mini showerhead bong is my SYN - daily driver...

Macro shot is some kief... and the bud is freefall.. pretty light wispy bud. thinking it's outdoor, definitely smells like it is. For once my guy didn't have much info on it. My customers like it. :smile: (yes i plan on knocking that off very soon... i know i know =[ )

Some herbs growing in there... and also my bitches. Just some bag seed I germed, all saved from very good smoke. I'm looking forward to how they come out of the lst.

Please, stay tuned so I have some motivation guys.. you know how we are!!!! :razz:



New Member
One question, with the height of the top cab, in mind what size pots should I get? I was thinking 6-8 qt squares??? Anyone who feels they know what pots would fit best taking the footprint into consideration, please advise. Thank you!

Also, I know they're overwatered... I cut that out immediately.

Also gave them their first 'balanced' dose of veg nutes (botanicare.. look @ first post please). Misted the basil in the back corner as well and she didn't like it very much. Tough nuggies, punn intended.. dense resiny bud gods please watch over me.

The plants had a rough early life... germinated somewhere around the 12-14th and they lived out in the hvac room in a cardboard box with 2 26w halogen bulbs on 8-9 seedlings. LOL ... the room also gets COLD at night when the heat isn't running...which is often since I turn the thermostat to 60-64 depending on my mood--hah.

As I think of stuff that I did I will post it.

Like for example, I have the fixture for two backdraft preventers installed (one on each line), but I have the flaps taken out since these fans aren't very strong with this setup.

Also, you should have previously read that I had 2 backflow damper housings installed... One is to the left of the intake fan.. the other is separating the two chambers, so both are before the fans on the corresponding lines. I have put the one on the intake line back in, hoping that the cold air no longer flows through at night when the fans are off, as it causes ~50 degree temperatures. NO BUENO!! edit: so far so good, temps are steady at ~75 with nothing running. RH is at 50%. No more cold draft ruining my crop. I am a happy camper, as long as the bitches are happy.


How is the progress going ??

I recently got the same light 290w spectra led. Please can you let me know how it has been working for you?

I have just started a few weeks ago on my plants and all of them have turned yellow and white on the inside of the seedlings, they are also stunted, cant figure out what is creating this everything else is perfect, ph , ec, ,ventilation only thing is the light?

Would love to hear your opinion?

Thanks seth
I recently got the same light 290w spectra led. Please can you let me know how it has been working for you?

I have just started a few weeks ago on my plants and all of them have turned yellow and white on the inside of the seedlings, they are also stunted, cant figure out what is creating this everything else is perfect, ph , ec, ,ventilation only thing is the light?

Would love to hear your opinion?

Thanks seth

Hi Seth, I have the exact same problem. Previously with 3 plants that veged with cfl which only 1/3 survived after adding some Calmax, and now 3 autos from seed slowly started to turn yellow even though Im already giving them Calmax..
Check it here

ANY input is highly appreciated!!

Update: Mike have replied to my e-mails and according to him, this can probably be fixed if a different power supply is installed. This will decrease the intensity of the light and solve this problem.

Quoting from him: "I have had some people encounter a similar problem, I have been able to fix this problem by sending out new power supplies that lower the intensity of the led panel and this fixes the issue. "