Choclate icecube? saposivley shrooms


Active Member
I ate this choclate icecube (was wrapped in tinfoil looked like the exact shape of a plastic icecube maker) at a part last night and a buddy told me it was shrooms then I was tripping fucking balls the tv was changing hues from all blue to red to yellow and I couldnt stop laughing then id close my eyes and see all these crazy shapes and colors and patterns and laugh even harder it was really hard to walk and it felt like a shitload of salvia trips strung together

I live in michigan and I kinda doubt it was shrooms in the choclate any one have any idea what the drug could of been?


Well-Known Member
probally was mush, i know lots of people that pur mush in chocolate to make it taste better and sell little peices of chocoalte!~


Active Member
wtf is mush? and the trip was fuckin amazing I cant wait to do it again. but my whole head felt perma fucked for like a day and ahalf afterwards is this normal?


Well-Known Member
mush is shrooms

yeh, they kill brain cells, so its normal you feel a bit fucked the next day, nowhere near as bad as e or speed i find.... everything in moderation ;)