circles with white outline


hi everyone having some problems with my plants, a bunch of circular entities have appeared on most on my plants, almost on every leaf some have white outlines and some don't, ive also noticed on the smaller plants the tips have died off. im on my 4th grow and its the first time im seeing this, its also the first time im using a dwc cloner. My friend suspects its spray from my poorly made cloner landing on the leaves and drying up leaving the nutrients behind hence the white outlines, ive also recently transplanted them and ive also brought in a clone from a outside plant any insight is appreciated thanks.

- plants are being grown indoors
- plants are watered when ever the soil dry's up (no nutes)
- grown in ffof
- plant in picture is 3 weeks in veg and the rest (not pictured) are seedlings
- all plants are bag seed, the clone I stole from my mom because it made purple bud
Before noticing that it is missing a leaf and a half please note that I tore it off to inspect it.\
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