Clones equal indv plant or argue all the same plant?


Well-Known Member
So I can guess what the current interpretation if the law is but for arguments sake. If you are growing clones they have identical DNA to the mother, could you make a sound legal argument that regardless of how many individuals you have they are really 1 plant?


Well-Known Member
no way.... plants are defined by whether or not they have roots (by law)..... not it's DNA


Well-Known Member
What if they were all planted in the same container and there was no way to distinguish one root system as being independent of another?


Well-Known Member
thats interesting..... i dont know, i would think that you would still be fucked, since the can distinguish where it comes out of the soil, so they would know that they are different plants. but if they didn't notice that, you may have a chance.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully I never need to apply the argument, but who knows maybe it could help someone out if put to a little creative use. The burden of proof is supposedly on the judicial system, I doubt maying cops would give second thought when they ripped up plants from the same container thus making it near impossible for them to prove they were separate root systems as they have the same DNA.


Well-Known Member
well, until someone tries it will wont ever know....... and like you said, hopefully none of us have to do that.