Cloning Machine


Active Member
Ok, I got all the stuff to build my own cloning machine but, I'm not entirely certain how to go about it all. I have a pump, a sprayer set up, air pump, basically I am a little confused in regards to what to do with the water I fill the clone machine with. I have Rootex, I know I have to dip the cuttings into that, then I am going to put the cuttings into net pots with clay pellets. Is there anything that I should be adding to the water? If so, what do you use/recommended? Any suggestions would be appreciated, I've watched quite a few tutorials but I want some options if anyone knows of anything that makes it easier and or gives a better success rate.

Also, if I understand correctly fluorescent lighting is best for clones, is this correct? And does it need a humidity dome over it all.

Give Me

Ok, I got all the stuff to build my own cloning machine but, I'm not entirely certain how to go about it all. I have a pump, a sprayer set up, air pump, basically I am a little confused in regards to what to do with the water I fill the clone machine with. I have Rootex, I know I have to dip the cuttings into that, then I am going to put the cuttings into net pots with clay pellets. Is there anything that I should be adding to the water? If so, what do you use/recommended? Any suggestions would be appreciated, I've watched quite a few tutorials but I want some options if anyone knows of anything that makes it easier and or gives a better success rate.

Also, if I understand correctly fluorescent lighting is best for clones, is this correct? And does it need a humidity dome over it all.
B man welcome :) I am subbing as I am considering this method once I learn how to grow :) Please share your pitfalls, if such unfortunate things may occur, along with what actually works for you. I myself do not have a lot of space to work with so cloning will be the next step once I get my seed breeding done. From what I read yes floros ( T5's) are a big hit for this but have read many use CFL's as well-both just gotta keep um close-but depending on size go with what works for you. Can't offer more till I learn from U :) Thanks good one to all


I use neoprene collars instead of baskets filled with hydroton? Sometimes for thicker cuttings, I will scrape a little bark off the bottom b4 I dip in my rooting hormones. Either way, you wanna cut holes in the lid of a rubbermaid container and use either the pump or the airstone, both are not required. My pump runs 24/7 but you could put it on a cycle timer (1 min on - 3-4 mins off) with a ph of 6.0 and a steady temp of 74-78 I get roots (not stubs) in 4-5 days everytime! The airstone creates bubble that pop and give tiny drops to the bottoms of the cutting they should be no more than a 1/2" above the water, but not submerged, or the pump should pump to some misters that spray a fine mist on the bottoms of the cuttings?


Active Member
My plan is basically build the cloner, I have net cups as well as neoprene inserts so I can go with either option depending on which is going to perform the best. Planning on using distilled water since it's basically neutral, adding some hydrogen peroxide to the water, few drops every few days. I have a 360gph pump to run what I think is going to be 12 misters, and a bubbler/air stone to keep the water oxygenated. Not sure if I am going to use the constant on or the 1 minute on 4 minute off option, may have to experiment with this. NOT going to add anything to the water other than the peroxide. 24/0 flouro lighting.

Thanks for the input guys.