Closed refrigerator grow?


Active Member
Hello RIU! :)
My question is simple, would it be possible to do a closed (with CO2'n'shit) refrigerator grow? The reason I'm asking is because it would probably be the most smellyproof grow space evah! :D
Also, if the fridge is functional, could it be used for cooling? (setting up a thermostat for when temps get too high and such)
I've tried to search for this, but no one seem to have tried not completely stripping the fridge... :)

Thank you very much for any answer I can get!


Active Member
If you mean using a functioning fridge, then no. They are airtight and your plants would die. If you make a fridge non-airtight smell escapes as does the cool air and your electrical bill is through the roof. If however you mean a non-functioning fridge, yes it could be done with a good bit of work and DIY prowess.