Co2 Bags? Bullshit? Or Quick Fix For Lack of Co2?


Active Member
So after doing some research on how to get Co2 to my plant without a tank, I came across a article about HomeGrown Co2 bags. Says all you do is hang this bag above you plants and the Co2 will flow down and nurture your plants. Ive heard of using sparkling water or carbonated water from soda machines but does anybody know about these Co2 bags and ups and downs of using them?

Also, if theres any other good ways to get my plants more Co2 i would love to know about them?


Active Member
So your saying that the bag can let out TOO MUCH Co2 and cause harm to the plants? Becasue from what i understood the more Co2 you can get to the plants the better.


Well-Known Member
You can also make your own CO2 gen using water sugar and yeast...very easy way to add some CO2 to a small grow. It works well in a sealed grow space where there is no air exchange. I know this because I'm not only el presidente but I'm also a client.
Ok im in now i need help with this to when should i introduce co2 to rhe garden and whatvis the best method i cand aford a big bottle unit i was told about one for fish tanks and as mentioned up top make your own whow does rhat work i bought the bucket co2will this work or did i waste my money
I am also growin mushrooms culanry and others and i eas told to let them grow in my groe room and the co2from those would wirk also i dont know what you think


Well-Known Member
I don't see anything about size of grow room,might be overlooking it,I dunno.
my room so small I can take some deep breaths & have all co2 I


Well-Known Member
if your wanting to do the co2 thing for yields and get good results, the monitor is the way to go i thnk. otoh if your growing mushrooms anyways, i don't think it's going to hurt anything and it might help. you just will not have any way to tell if its realy doing any good. i wouldnt let your temps too much over 80 unless you know you have over 1k ppm tho. i've been looking into growing mushrooms too eat as well, it seems like it would be fun and might help the plants a bit.