Coco issues with gelato 33 + maithai + dosido


Hello i have recently been gifted some clones that are gelato 33, maithai and dosido and im having some issues making them happy to create donor plants out of them, they seem to be very unstable in Ph in the medium as well as the runoff. Im growing in canna coco 50/50 with grow it chips, Using canna's full food line as well as added GH Calimagic as a supplement for cal/mag

we used multi spec lighting with 1000w DE gavita solistek 6k as well as HPS achieving between 250-400 umols depending on plant height.

Im running Ro water to 0ppm, the food formula that most our plants are happy with is:
2ml Calimagic per gallon (roughly 200 ppm @ 700scale)
8-10ml Canna A+B
7.5 ml rizotonic
9.5 ml Cannazyme

this usually ends up around 1000-1150ppm @ 700 scale for our veg and mother plants. we run approx 20 different strains on this formula and most seem fine, but these ones are a bit tricky to figure out and im looking for some advice.

Going in water is:

the dosido climbs very high in run off very quickly and the ph drops ( 1860 ppm @ 700 scale - 5.6-5.7 Ph)
( some of these pics are hard to see due to the size of the dosido already as it has its up and down days and has been growing just unfortunately with the same issue from small clone)
Fullplant dosido
Interior dosido
Dosido lower leaf
Another pic of lowers60C7F36F-6352-4137-A33B-A8B6A95CF09F.jpeg
Dosido top and mid range leaf

The gelato 33 plant has similar but not as serious issues
Soil test came out at 6.1ph - 100ml to 100ml coco slurry test
Run off water is:
Full gelato 33
Gelato mid range + purple stems
Gelato leaf mid range
Gelato top leaf

The next is the maithai this plant have been really difficult to get happy
Soil test - 6.3
Run off water
Maithai full plant
maithai mid range
Maithai leaf claw and purple stem

These are my low and highs on room parameters recorded:

And night time we go down to 70-71 degrees F
And around 60%RH
Only thing that comes to mind.....the root system.
Were they bare root or already in coco when gifted?

When I received the clones they were rooted but not very well as all, small singular root and the tip was kind of brown, the other ones I got (other than these 3 turned out ok tho)

I was also wondering on disease?
I looked at potassium issue and it seems like that’s what it is to me as well, I just can’t seem to get the plant stable enough to stay good, if I flush with 1/2 - 3/4 nutes at 5.7-5.8 it will turn around and do better for about a week than it slides back down hill again.

I have tried 600-700-800-900-1100-1250 feedings all of them the plant does this same thing after a few weeks.
What's your feeding schedule, pot size ? Looks like some over watering issues
We received them in a 1gallon pot, the roots weren’t the best when we got them, once we had to feed that 2x a day with dryback we moved them to a 3gallon pot.

They dry out about every 1.5days now, and we don’t water untill its lighter on weight about 25-30% is what I shoot for.

They have been in the 3gallon pot for almost 4-5 weeks now
Drying out the coco is the problem..
I was worried with the roots that it may be caused by over watering problems so I haven’t been watering them daily, should I not worry about that and start hitting them daily with water even if the top is well saturated still?
I was worried with the roots that it may be caused by over watering problems so I haven’t been watering them daily, should I not worry about that and start hitting them daily with water even if the top is well saturated still?

So I cant over water anything I grow in coco, just has too much pore space and the field capacity is too low. Im sure you could do it with a seedling but for a mature plant like that, it would be really hard. I water 5 times a day via drips to my coco plants in flower, only about 350mL per watering, but still I have zero signs of over watering. I think a lot of that damage might be from over drying the plant, and maybe lock out. Do you flush your coco frequently? I get away with doing a feed flush every day, but I am using dry salts so it makes sense cause its so cheap vs bottled stuff. I can push them in flower at stupid high EC values and will only see tip burn if I hammer them too hard with N early on in flower. I never see lock out or any other nutrition issues.

So with that being said, I do see some calcium def, you should never see a K def in coco. its whole CEC is based around sodium and potassium so if anything people over do K. They are also starting to claw, too much N. Purple stems could be phosphorus def, but some strains just have purple stems, threw me for a loop when I first encountered that.

But heres the big thing. you gotta clean those plants up, holy shit they need to be de-leafed. You must not have PM lol. A lot of those leaves are probably going thru senescence because of the lack of light penetrating the canopy.

Another thing to consider.... are there fans blowing right on those plants? that can sometimes cause browning on the edges of leaves.

My advice, clean those things up, water generously twice a day with a feed flush at the end of the day and up your cal mag supplement.

good luck

We received them in a 1gallon pot, the roots weren’t the best when we got them, once we had to feed that 2x a day with dryback we moved them to a 3gallon pot.

They dry out about every 1.5days now, and we don’t water untill its lighter on weight about 25-30% is what I shoot for.

They have been in the 3gallon pot for almost 4-5 weeks now

It's going to be you that will have to figure out your watering routine!
That size plant in that size pot won't require multi- feeds a day.
Just as some examples of plants grown in coir with single daily feeds or feeds every other day. Plant mass to pot size is the determining factor in feeding in coir.

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