cold climate , natural cycle


New Member
I have a couple of questions about this plant.
first ill say that winters here get as cold as -20 C which is about -4 F
Like the other plants around here, who sprout in the spring of the year, grow all summer, and flower in the fall, shut down for the winter......
Would cannabis do the same, a strain that has had 6 to 8 yrs in this climate..
i mean just leaving them be and not harvesting, so the seeds can spread around and sprout in the spring...
Ive heard of freezing seeds to preserve them for next year (even though you dont need to do that)
but if the seeds got frozen in the snow/ground during winter, and when spring comes and snow melts, would the plant sprout just like any other? or would the young seedlings be too fragile to handle the cold night temps...
I know this plant originated from warmer climates, but some strains can stand against cold pretty good.
i want to know this because as of now im guessing itll be a waste of time...


Well-Known Member
I don't really understand but I'll try to help. Do NOT put any cannabis outside until the temps are in the high 40s at least. The plants will self sow the following years if they are allowed to pollinate/produce seed. The strain will become better equipped for your location as the years pass. This is how landrace strains are created. So let them seed, and there will be plants the next year.