Confessions Of A CFL Jinkie!

I was in Walmart shopping today and I inexplicably caught myself in the light bulb section looking at CFL's. Before I knew it I was at the checkout stand paying for yet another new CFL bulb...

I am posting this here in hopes others will learn of the addictive nature of CFL's and learn to control it.

Please feel free to post your thoughts!

(And Oh, I still have free Ladybugs who need a good home, send a pm with your address and Ill send some)

Yeah I know I misspelled Junkie, but you can't edit that part!


Active Member
oh lord I think I have a CFL addiction too. I want to replace every light bulb in my house with a CFL.


Active Member
Well DFR ( any BOC influence there?) You're hooked and it's hopeless I think. CFL's definitely have their place in the cannabis world. I remember not long ago, on other forums, where cfl's were laughed at...and maybe for some of the heavy hitters it is a joke. For me thus far, they have worked out pretty well, but then I just grow for me and the wife. I am looking to upgrade to a tent and an hps, but I'll still veg with cfl's. I love em. Grow safe.

p.s. ML75 it never hurts to have spare bulbs around lol...that dining room fixture can have another bulb later. Peace all
Well I had been doing fairly well with my CFL addiction, until today that is... I have discovered I don;t have enough 6500k bulbs... Will this CFRL HELL ever end? Oh well, whats a few 100 watters among friends.......I'm sure the 1st. grow will more than pay for itself.......


Well-Known Member
I replaced ever bulb in my home with a cfl.... My veg consist of 6 cfl while my flowering closet has a 100 hps, 1 t8, and 13 cfl. I think I qualify as a cfl.junkie..
welcome aboard and thanks for confessing, you are on the road to recovery my friend....
As soon as we get the recovery program set up you will be contacted! <VBG>
lol, No more cfl, hid or hps envy... One cure does all!
Now if I could just pay for that new power substation next to the house I could use it......

Believe it or not there are people who collect these.... I wonder what they do with them, use them for a yard light?