Confused on How to Shop for Lights


Well-Known Member
Ok, so Ive decided to go with an HPS light to grow my girls in Flowering stage.

Right now they are only 7 days out of cracking from the seed, so I have time, but ideally want to order my light now.

What I am confused on is this:

What all do I need to buy? From what I can see I need to buy the ballast, the bulb itself, the reflector/cooling vent hood... anything else I would need to buy? Do you have to purchase the "bulb scew/housing" for inside the hood?

So here are some factors that Ive been mulling over on WHAT type of light to buy...

1) I was told by my local grow shop owner that a 400w HPS shouldnt need to be vented. This is based on my grow area that is a 8ft x 5ft deep room. Is this true? I live in a tropical climate with AirConditioning inside, so Im thinking I don't need to vent this light for HEAT purposes, right? (So thinking I don't need a vent hood for 400w)

2) I've been reading about HPS/MH switchable ballasts. Since I'm using Floro's to veg at the moment, I think it would be "better" to veg under MH... so should I get one of those digital switchable ballasts? Any reason not to?

3) I plan to duct this bathroom in a few weeks to prep for the flowering smell with an inline fan. The room is already plumed for exhaust, so I just need to hook up to it with a cabon filter. Should I just bite the bullet and upgrade to a 600W
(rather than just the 400w) and throw it inline with the fan since its only a couple bucks more? Or is 600W overkill for the 12 plants I plan to put under this light?

Thanks for all the help ahead of time!


Well-Known Member
i would go with the 600 nearly twice the lumes as the 400, also i would split your room so i had a veg and flower room, keep the cfls for veging then put them under the 600 for flower. as for heat you wont need a cooltube for 1 light in that size room but you still want the hot air sucked out. as for the ballest alot of them are for hps and mh but i would get one that does both, better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it, as for the shade most shades come with the bulb holder already attached, if you buy a light kit you should get everything you need:hump:


Well-Known Member
go with xtrasun switchable, 110/220 ballast, completely universal, without the cost/problems that come with digitals. go with the 600, get an inline fan and air cooled hood, get a UVB enhanced bulb, huge difference.
cooltubes are good and suck at the same time, the area directly under it is the hot spot so it will burn anything directly under... got with a large hood


Well-Known Member
ive got the powerplant 600 coolshade and love it, you can put your hand anywhere on the glass or shade and its almost cool, but like i say dont think you will need one but there not much more expensive than a decent shade.


Well-Known Member
i would go with the 600 nearly twice the lumes as the 400, also i would split your room so i had a veg and flower room, keep the cfls for veging then put them under the 600 for flower. as for heat you wont need a cooltube for 1 light in that size room but you still want the hot air sucked out. as for the ballest alot of them are for hps and mh but i would get one that does both, better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it, as for the shade most shades come with the bulb holder already attached, if you buy a light kit you should get everything you need:hump:
I am lucky enough to have an entire house to myself now that the divorce is final... so I'm vegging in my walk in closet, and going to flower in the master bathroom since its already internal with no windows AND has a vent out already! :D

go with xtrasun switchable, 110/220 ballast, completely universal, without the cost/problems that come with digitals. go with the 600, get an inline fan and air cooled hood, get a UVB enhanced bulb, huge difference.
cooltubes are good and suck at the same time, the area directly under it is the hot spot so it will burn anything directly under... got with a large hood
Any idea of a good place online to order the entire package in one place?


Well-Known Member
lol what a stroke of luck getting rid of the wife and replaceing her side of the closet with some beutifull ladys.


Active Member
Hey bro go with a Quatum ballast and a cool tube dont listen to MALIGNANT..I have a quatum 600 in a 4.5x4.5 it does get hot but i have not vent..But right under the light i have buds almost to the light with no effects and like i said no vent just box fan outside of closet..And if u wanna do 12 plants in a room that big u might wanna just go with a 1000w quatum set for around 450-maybe 5..GL BRO


Well-Known Member
Hey bro go with a Quatum ballast and a cool tube dont listen to MALIGNANT..I have a quatum 600 in a 4.5x4.5 it does get hot but i have not vent..But right under the light i have buds almost to the light with no effects and like i said no vent just box fan outside of closet..And if u wanna do 12 plants in a room that big u might wanna just go with a 1000w quatum set for around 450-maybe 5..GL BRO

Any reason for this?


Well-Known Member
Theres a couple more things u could tell us before i can tell u fer sure but ....i think youd be cool with a 400hps...
Never had a 600 ..but id imagine its a little more expensive on the electric bill and gets a tad hotter than a 400......
I also would recomend a t5 and cfl suppliment for veg and seedling stage... seeing as u wont need that much lite for them at that juncture...
And more can be less in many cases .... you dont wanna fry em up or waste any electricity .. but it wud work...

question???... are u gonna have the closet open ??? are u able to keep the room dark for flowering??? are there windows in the room??
what state do u live in ??? are neighbors close???? is there allot of traffic by the house...

I run a 400 in a open closet and i really dont even need a inline fan or vent ... because i keep the window open , and cieling fans running...
And since im a medical patient... and live in a very secluded...low traffic residence... i dont worry about the smell... that only really starts to travel about 20 yards in week 7 thru harvest....
I tend to start off with the t5 ...very cost efficent and effective for veg... no heat really ... by week 3 i flower and throw the hps in there... it doesnt get to hot... my room stay chill mostly even in higher temps....
At this time i will supliment the t5 and cfls at about week 2 of 12/12 to make sure my plants get good light exposure.....
So if u can manage to keep your closet open and air threw the window.. while keeping it dark youll be good....
Ive harvest at least 6 times in these conditions...
hope this helps....

and last thing .almost forgot..
You could try craiglst if u live in a mj friendly cud be easy..
Youll need to make sure you have a ballast , bulb, cord, and a hood could help also...
Make sure the cord from the ballast fits the cord to the light...
Sometimes new tech and old techs are mixed ....its very common...
Happened to me... the coversion cord only 10 bucks.... so no worries...its just a hassle...
Also try to buy the whole package together ... seperate parts cost more ....
I got mine on craigslist whole system 175 dollars for everything bulb hood included.....
I saw the same hood selling at a local shop for 120 so i recon it was a killer deal...
Many growers stop growing sell there system or get newer higher wattage system and u can get lucky..
htg's stuff is good... but some of their bargain systems arent that good even at 120 or 150 i wuldnt do it....


Well-Known Member
GO For the 600watt! In a room 8x5deep you should be fine heat wise no vent if that is the only heat source within the room. sells cheap lighting but not the best quality, a decent 600watt system can cover 6 plants effeciently (3-4 weeks veg with pruning), maybe 12 plants if they were smaller (1-2 weeks veg max).

Also I would get the light with a air cooled hood with glass just so if you wanted to or needed to vent in the future you can.

You did say you have a plumed exhaust within your room, you can always hook the carbon filter to one side of the light and vent the other side of the light out your plumed exhaust using a inline fan.

This will create negative pressure in your closet and draw in fresh air through the cracks, as well as filtering your grow room air as it leaves the room.