Cool Stuff (lots of pics) come see mine post your own!!!


Well-Known Member
i feel like i have an excessive amount of photos on my computer and i need to share them!!! weed, food, people, places, animals, anything works!!! im always bored on RUI so lets post some COOL pics toke and talk it up!bongsmilie


gotta love that California weather!!


saw this guy catch a shark not to long ago!!! crazy


Well-Known Member
RUhine.jpgRuahine1.jpg The Ruahine Ranges in the North Island,NZ. pic taken at 1100m and those mountain peaks are 1700m.

taupo2.jpgTaupo.jpg Out the back of Taupo,NZ in a fly in hunting trip, second pic is taken out of a helicopter. Gotta love this country's outdoors :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member

shrooms!! always fun!! not for everyone


went and saw the smokers club tour as my trip started winding down, saw joey badass and the underachievers! i was stoked some other people were there too lie chevy woods and ab soul