Correct order for adding Hydrogen peroxide?

What is the correct order of nutrients: I'm using Protekt, and Advanced Nutrients 3-part with straight tap water. Is it Protekt first / then h2o2 / then nutes, or does the h2o2 need to go first/last?

Using rdwc


Well-Known Member
you can use a little hydrogen peroxide it keeps the roots white and the slime away that gether on the sides iwas having problems with my cloner mistes pluging and rooting taking forever i found recipe on the internet it was 5gal water tsp super strive tbs ebson sait tsp of clorox i was nerves do to clorox but cleaned every thing up and started again the clones started rooting imetaly iwas amazed now use that all the time they grow roots fast so hydrogen peroxide will not hurt anything


Well-Known Member
H2O2 isn't needed. It is OK if you have an issue but it's not all that. Bennie are much better, easier, cheaper, and are natural for the plants.